is organized.
Directory/File Name | Purpose |
<top> | There are no files to edit at the top-level.
There are directories which are recursively processed by sponsor_resources .
Directories which begin with a period/dot ('.' ) are ignored by sponsor_resources .
For example, that allows backup copies to be kept here under .old .
Research/ | files under Research correspond to an individual researcher or research group.
Here resources,
or extra resources, for users specifically
affiliated with particular researchers can be sponsored.
These might be extra disk space (or theoretically printing) for a grad student, or entire accounts for associated or visiting researchers. |
REGISTRAR/ | files under REGISTRAR "automatically" sponsor resources, based on data received from the registrar's office |
REGISTRAR/.DATA/ | Don't touch! The accounts-master computer program uses information from the Registrar to put, beneath this directory, lists of students in different classes |
REGISTRAR/Grads | base resources for Masters and PhD students |
REGISTRAR/Undergrads | base resources for undergraduate students |
REGISTRAR/cs | resources linked to enrolment in CS courses |
REGISTRAR/se | resources linked to enrolment in SE courses |
REGISTRAR-YYYYMM/ | Files under REGISTRAR-YYYYMM , e.g. REGISTRAR-201001 implement the predictable long-term expiry of sponsored resources by freezing the indicated previous terms class (program/year) memberships.
Another file there ensures any account created stays until after the drop-add deadline.
Occasionally (usually only in fall terms) you will see REGISTRAR-YYYYMMext directories. Read the file .README in such a directory for an explanation of its purpose and how it was created. |
CSCF/ | files under CSCF facilitate the computing facility |
CSCF/admin | administrative assistant staff, and many mailing lists |
CSCF/consulting | this is the MC3017 consultants |
CSCF/taskgroups | mailing aliases for task-groups |
CSCF/technicians | CSCF technical staff |
CLASSES/ | files under ClASSES allocate resources for instructors and instructional support staff |
CLASSES/CA-cs | accounts named after CS courses, e.g. cs100 |
CLASSES/CA-se | accounts named after Software Engineering courses, e.g. se240 |
CLASSES/TA-cs | CS TAs - Tutorial Assistants, not to be confused with Tutors |
CLASSES/Tutors | CS Tutors - usually co-op students |
CLASSES/automatic/ | directory for some conceptually automatically generated files; currently the result of processing Grad Office TA database to produce sponsorship info for TAs |
CLASSES/ | logical supplement to REGISTRAR/cs |
CLASSES/instructors | Resources for (generally non-faculty) instructors. For sessional instructors, a more appropriate place would be School/Sessionals-YYMM . |
School/ |
School/ | files under School are for non-teaching resource requirements |
School/Away-Personnel | sponsors expiry period for personnel, to keep their account when they leave |
School/CS.MathClubs | Courtesy email aliases for Math Clubs, etc. |
School/CS.Grads | extra accounts and mail aliases for grads (not research, e.g. csgsa ) |
School/CS.UGrad | extra accounts for undergrads (currently just csc ) |
School/Courtesy | discretionary accounts for retired faculty, etc. |
School/ICR | a few accounts for Institute for Computer Research |
School/Sessionals-YYMM | sessional instructors for term YYMM |
School/cs.admin | Things which don't fit anywhere else |
School/dean.admin | CS resources needed by the DOM office |
School/se.admin | Software Engineering administration and also mail aliases |
School/special_events | Special Events such as CS days and ACM contests |
The files can be changed using a standard text editor.
All files are now supposed to be subject to revision control using RCS.