SaltStack Working Group

Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2021-11-10

Invitees - Attendees

  • Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Proposed Agenda Items

Review Formulae

Infrastructure formulae list:

  1. local admin accounts (cscf-adm, root)
  2. remote admin accounts
  3. mail forwarding
  4. telemetry (prometheus)
  5. monitoring (icinga)
  6. PKI
  7. active directory authentication / 2fa
  8. syscall auditing
  9. kernel crash dump collection
  10. general use server / student general use server
  11. internal microservices
  12. backups

Suggested list of formulae - nfish:

  1. apt
  2. reboot (reboot-info, mollyguard + scripts)
  3. remote_access (sshd, mosh) - done
  4. salt
  5. ceph (client, rgw, server) - done
  6. networking (netplan, generic networking only)
  7. physical (for non-LXC minions)
  8. lxc (lxc containers, not hosts)
  9. iaas (lxc/vm hosts)
  10. logging (syslog_ng, logrotate, trimming)

Suggested list of formulae - dlgawley:

  1. pam
  2. ssh
  3. ldap
  4. DUO
  5. OpenVPN
  6. Web
    1. Apache
    2. Force HTTPS and Lets Encrypt module
    3. URL case insensitive module
    4. Server side Includes module/setup (use execute bit not file extension).
    5. PAM integration
  7. PostgreSQL
  8. MySQL

Action Items

Future Items

  • Peer review of formulae
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Topic revision: r1 - 2021-11-10 - DaveGawley
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