--+ CS SaltStack Working Group


  • reasonable people trying to reach reasonable conclusions on what setup pieces should managed and how to manage our Large Integrated Domains.

Agenda Template

Past Meeting Notes (most recent first)

Suggested list of formulae - nfish

  1. apt
  2. reboot (reboot-info, mollyguard + scripts)
  3. remote_access (sshd, mosh) - done
  4. salt
  5. ceph (client, rgw, server) - done
  6. networking (netplan, generic networking only)
  7. physical (for non-LXC minions)
  8. lxc (lxc containers, not hosts)
  9. iaas (lxc/vm hosts)
  10. logging (syslog_ng, logrotate, trimming)

Infrastructure formulae list

  1. local admin accounts (cscf-adm, root)
  2. remote admin accounts
  3. mail forwarding
  4. telemetry (prometheus)
  5. monitoring (icinga)
  6. PKI
  7. active directory authentication / 2fa
  8. syscall auditing
  9. kernel crash dump collection
  10. general use server / student general use server
  11. internal microservices
  12. backups

Suggested list of formulae - dlgawley:

  1. pam
  2. ssh
  3. ldap
  4. DUO
  5. OpenVPN
  6. Web
    1. Apache
    2. Lets Encrypt and Force HTTPS module
    3. URL case insensitive module
    4. Server side Includes module/setup (use execute bit not file extension).
    5. PAM integration
  7. PostgreSQL
  8. MySQL
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Topic revision: r25 - 2021-11-22 - LawrenceFolland
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