SaltStak Working Group Agenda

Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: Wednesday, Jan 12, 2021


Anthony, Dave, Gordon, Lori, Nathan, Lawrence


CSCF git/Saltstack standards draft document to version 1
  • submodules are a big win and need to be adopted in final

Formula Submodules - point person
ceph - Nathan
mail - Adrian
config_management - Anthony, Nathan
Identity_and_Authorization - Anthony
globbing for clients of CSCF salt service: /srv/saltstack/salt/top.sls " '*':"
globbing for all general-use hosts in "TEACHING" region: "ubuntu*" globbing
globbing for all CS Private-Cloud nodes: "*" globbings.
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Topic revision: r4 - 2021-07-20 - DaveGawley
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