SaltStack Working Group

Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: Wednesday, February 16, 2021


  • Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Agenda Items

  • Goal is that the 3 DFSc -421 nodes are first and then the 3 private -203 cloud nodes and that they all will be setup to use the infrastructure saltstack setup on the OOB private cloud
  • Also give each attendee a chance to get quick response questions answered.

Deliverables for next meeting

  • Anthony still cannot access git.cs, will ask to have Lawrence added to the ticket, Dave wwill aske Lisa Tomalty to look into it - RT#
  • working on the 421 systems, possibly flaky hardware?
  • updating BIOS seems to help, so making sure that is happening
  • therefore making progress on DFSc nodes
  • not sure of the status of the new private cloud nodes *-203 nodes, LOM interface not yet configured?
    • Dave says that this is done, but need to move the 25Fb connections to free up the 100Gb ports
    • Dave will schedule that in the next day or two
    • Anthony says that it can wait for the work on the 421 machines
  • Nathan - 20.04 Salt Master would be the master, where will Nathan setup a dev Salt master?
    • Anthony would not recommend using the out-of-band server as it is somewhat slow for dev work
    • is and will be the main 20.04 Salt master
    • is the main 18.04 Salt master
    • Nathan will request a container for his 20.04 Salt work

Next meeting

  • hopefully git access will be fixed for Anthony
  • Nathan/Anthony - merging formula list and determine who will do what
  • the network cable changes will have been made by Dave and Dan for the -203 nodes
  • Anthony expects that the -421 machines should be up
  • Anthony, possibly with Nathan's assistance, will apply the ceph formula to the 421 machines
  • Nathan will request a container for his 20.04 Salt work
  • Next meeting date: Tuesday February 23rd at 2pm
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Topic revision: r1 - 2021-02-16 - LawrenceFolland
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