Goal is that the 3 DFSc -421 nodes are first and then the 3 private -203 cloud nodes and that they all will be setup to use the infrastructure saltstack setup on the OOB private cloud dc-3558-253.cloud.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Also give each attendee a chance to get quick response questions answered.
Deliverables for next meeting
Anthony still cannot access git.cs, will ask to have Lawrence added to the ticket, Dave wwill aske Lisa Tomalty to look into it - RT#
working on the 421 systems, possibly flaky hardware?
updating BIOS seems to help, so making sure that is happening
therefore making progress on DFSc nodes
not sure of the status of the new private cloud nodes *-203 nodes, LOM interface not yet configured?
Dave says that this is done, but need to move the 25Fb connections to free up the 100Gb ports
Dave will schedule that in the next day or two
Anthony says that it can wait for the work on the 421 machines
Nathan - 20.04 Salt Master would be the master, where will Nathan setup a dev Salt master?
Anthony would not recommend using the out-of-band server as it is somewhat slow for dev work
salt-csi-2004.cscf.uwaterloo.ca is and will be the main 20.04 Salt master
salt-csi-1804.cscf.uwaterloo.ca is the main 18.04 Salt master
Nathan will request a container for his 20.04 Salt work
Next meeting
hopefully git access will be fixed for Anthony
Nathan/Anthony - merging formula list and determine who will do what
the network cable changes will have been made by Dave and Dan for the -203 nodes
Anthony expects that the -421 machines should be up
Anthony, possibly with Nathan's assistance, will apply the ceph formula to the 421 machines
Nathan will request a container for his 20.04 Salt work
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.