Using GNU screen's split feature and top to monitor resource usage patterns on : markus002.student.cs, linux*.student.cs, www.student.cs, postgres.student.cs, cron.student.cs
Handy "attach to next available screen macro" :
screen -r `screen -ls | grep Detached | cut -d. -f1 | head -1`
NEW Incorporating monitoring disk usage on relevant hosts as well to preempt disk space problems. Using the following command to monitor only local filesystem usage on undergrad hosts :
while [ true ]; do clear;hostname;date;df -l -h;sleep 5; done
NEW Replacing top with the following:
while [ true ]; do clear;hostname;uptime;mpstat;free -gt;sleep 1; done
Some common tasks that are being performed manually:
- Warning resource hogs. - Killing spinners. - Load balancing by informing users that they are competing with a deadline and that they ought to check load average before doing heavy computations.
In addition to techniques outlined above, monitoring marmoset buildservers using :