Expense Claims
Expense claims (e.g. for a conference or training) are done online.
Using Concur
Concur uses your WatIAM userid and password.
Login page: https://uwaterloo.ca/finance-resources/financial-systems/concur
If you aren't logged in, and inadvertently end up at the
Concur home page
it will present a login that won't work.
The Waterloo login page
looks quite different, and explicitly mentions the University of Waterloo.
Submitting a Claim
- Email your supervisor for an appropriate account code to charge the expense to. Say what the expense is for. They will need to provide an account code before you can proceed;
- scan/email all receipts to yourself;
- using Concur, create a report, with the provided account code, attaching all receipts and submit;
- it comes to your supervisor for approval.
tips for filling out expenses
- you should have one receipt per expense line (ie: one-for-one)
- Claiming meals - Per Diem is only allowed on Research Grants. Standard administrative claims (as would be the case for all CSCF travel) is by receipt only
- therefore: keep all receipts! These need to be the itemized receipts - a VISA chit is not sufficient
- there is a per diem maximum, so be reasonable about meals. Claims for alcohol are not allowed.
- if anyone other than yourself is included in the meal, include notes about who that was and why they are being claimed (other staff member, entertaining a vendor, etc)
Who Approves a Claim
Who Concur sends to for approval is something that you set!
After you login to Concur,
click on the "Profile" icon in the upper right corner,
then "Profile Settings", then
"Expense Approvers"
(in the "Expense Settings" section on the left).
Troubleshooting Webbrowser specific issues
Safari on Mac OS X
If the
page zoom or default font size is overridden in Safari (12pt font is default) you may not see drop down dialogs (ie calender display for dates, etc)
Setting up Concur for Mobile use
Michael Terry writes: I recently had to scan in a bunch of receipts, and found Concur Mobile to be the fastest way to get them into the system. However, getting and setting up the app is not necessarily intuitive.
To help others, here are the steps to get this up and running:
- Install the Concur Mobile app on your phone (eg. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.concur.breeze&hl=en_CA
- Log onto Concur and click the "App Center" button at the top of the page (https://www.concursolutions.com/UI/appcenter/summary
- Locate the "Concur Mobile" section and click on its "Learn More" button
- From here, you need to get the university's company code to put into the mobile app
- On the mobile app, to log in, click the link for the Company Code.
- Enter the company code from above. This should then redirect you to the university's standard login page
- Once you've logged in, take pictures of receipts. I save them as receipts, then select them when creating individual expenses.