Web-Related Hosts

DRAFT — This relates to the new web server architecture under construction.

Configuration is carried in the XHier package documented at OdysseyApplications3Apache.

general.cs Web Service

The general CS region hosts the following virtual hosts:

  • www.cs — (SSL) Main web server for the School of Computer Science.
  • odyssey — (SSL) Administrative web applications.

Hosts with (SSL) support HTTPS. Each SSL-supporting virtual host is an A record with its own IP address. Others are CNAMEs to cs.uwaterloo.ca.

The web server is Apache 2 running on services120.cs.

student.cs Web Service

Not to be switched to the new architecture until the general.cs service is completely moved.

Other web servers maintained by CSCF

Summarize here.

-- IsaacMorland - 19 Nov 2008

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Topic revision: r1 - 2008-11-19 - IsaacMorland
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