Sponsors Data Overview
This is a "backup" copy. The original is currently available at
Please use that if it is available.
Well how about that. It died as part of the great web friendliness improvement. Or something. So you're probably stuck with my copy here.
For many years, with only a few machines to administer,
MFCF managed its resources individually on each machine.
As the number of machines,
the types of machines, and the types of resources increased,
such methods could no longer adequately handle our requirements.
Keeping track of who had what resource where turned
into an impossible task.
Given a particular account on a machine,
no one could tell why the account existed,
nor whether or not one could safely remove it.
Things got even worse when professors and research
groups began getting their own machines
and creating arbitrary accounts on them.
Eventually we discovered bizarre situations,
such as former grad students still using
accounts on MFCF machine
several years after they had graduated and left the university.
To solve these problems, we used an existing crude mechanism,
which could create and delete the undergraduate student
UNIX accounts required for specific courses,
as the basis for our resource management system.
The resulting system allows us to administer
all resources on all types of machines for all types of users
simply by manipulating a database on one central machine.
New machines join the system with relatively little work,
and even completely new situations fit easily into the mechanism,
requiring changes to very few parts of the system.
In order to simplify the problem of keeping track of
resource assignments,
we have imposed some conditions on what the resource management
system must handle.
Users must have unique reliable identifiers
If a user has one userid on one machine
and a different userid on another,
or if two users have the same userid on two different machines,
far too much confusion results.
To prevent this,
MFCF assigns each person
(or specialized software or group account)
exactly one userid,
normally from the userid database maintained by
Resource allocations must have someone responsible for them
If one cannot easily determine exactly
each user had a particular resource, confusion results,
and resource usage goes unaccounted for.
To prevent this, all resource allocations must have an
associated sponsorship, which includes both a reason
for the allocation and a person responsible
(not necessarily financially) for it.
Separation of ownership, administration, and authorization
The owner or administrator of a resource will not necessarily
know or care which users have access to that resource.
Thus the idea of sponsorship must not depend upon
anything related to the ownership or administration of the equipment.
Multiplicity of sponsorship of a user's resource
A user may have a resource for more than one reason at the same time
(e.g. a secretary using a computer for more than one professor's work,
or a student using a computer for more than one course).
The loss of one sponsorship should not affect other sponsorships.
A central database contains records of all userids,
each record including such permanent information
as student
SIN, employee
ID, and name.
More transient information, such as a student's current registration
or a professor's office number does not go into this database.
This ensures that what simple information it does contain
has reliable and up-to-date values without any human intervention.
Other databases, not necessarily maintained by
provide the more transient information,
accessed by their reliable userid or
ID-number keys.
Several years ago
IST started a similar userid
database for the University.
UWdir database
contains more detailed information such as office numbers,
phone extensions, current email addresses,
URLs, and department affiliation.
MFCF goes to considerable effort
to keep the userids in the two databases in sync,
but due to the conflicting philosophies involved
MFCF like to retain information
IST likes to purge non-current entries),
this synchronization consumes far more time than it should.
MFCF assigns to each resource allocation
two different attributes that together provide sufficient
information to determine exactly why users have their
particular resources.
Whatever mechanisms and reasons may exist for providing
a user with a resource,
ultimately the responsibility for that assignment belongs
to some individual.
So each resource assignment must trace back
to an associated sponsor.
A sponsor has the responsibility of authorizing such
things as the amount and duration of the resource
allocated to a user.
Sponsorship may, but does not necessarily,
imply financial obligation.
The idea of a class of resources comes from the
original scheme of assigning resources to students
registered in specific courses.
(E.g. all students currently taking CS234 get 50 Mbytes
of disk space and an account on the machine
This has generalized to having arbitrary sets of users
receiving arbitrary sets of resources,
with a class name providing some indication of what
distinguishes this assignment from another.
(E.g. within a professor's sponsorship,
all grad students doing research for him
might belong to one class, while that professor's visitor
from another university might belong to another class.)
This enables sponsors with large numbers of resources
or sponsored users to better remember their reasons
for allocating each resource to each user.
Sponsors Database
MFCF maintains a central resource sponsorship database
through which all resource assignments occur.
Currently the sponsors database consists of
several directories (one per department),
each containing several files (one per sponsor),
though one could arbitrarily rearrange this filesystem organization
without requiring any software changes.
Our administrative staff maintain the data itself
using simple text editors (e.g.
preventing conflicts via the
lockedit command.
Should the need arise for a different interface though,
such as replacing the text files with an
database, we could switch to that without worrying about any of the
existing software other than the internal function that gathers
the data.
A single
C library function provides a read-only
programming interface to the data, sucking the entire database
into in-memory structures.
Data Structure
One can consider the sponsors database as a tree structure.
A typical database entry for a sponsor contains one or more
resource classes,
with each resource class containing one or more resources,
and each resource containing zero or more allocations to users.
A class can also sponsor equipment support that does not depend
upon who actually uses the equipment.
For instance, the Dean of Math would sponsor classes such
as CS100 and STAT230.
The STAT230 class would provide resources such as a computing account
in the student.math region, a Nexus account,
and 2 Mbytes of disk space.
And all students currently registered in that course
would receive those resources.
Another class would sponsor equipment support for terminals,
independent of who has access to them.
Similarly, a professor might sponsor classes for his or her own
research, for grad students's research, and for visitors.
Again, each class would provide various resources
(computer accounts, printing quotas,
UNIX group membership, etc.)
to various users.
Note that the separation of a sponsor's data into classes
simply provides a convenient way of organizing things.
Sponsors may wish to have a single class (effectively no class).
A program regularly takes the sponsors data and reorganizes
it by resource.
Under the current implementation, this means that the program
sponsor_resources produces a file
for each resource and places it under one of several directories,
one for each type of resource.
For instance, all allocations for computing on the machine
mfcf.math end up in a file called
Each resulting resource contains one record for each user,
listing any required attributes and resource restrictions.
(E.g. For
UNIX computing accounts it includes
finger information, disk quota, and group membership.)
Remote Processing
Another program takes each of the resource files and,
depending upon the type of resource,
passes it to another process or machine that knows how
to allocate the requested resource.
For instance, the mfcf.math computing file goes
to the machine mfcf.math itself, where a program compares
that file with the current state of the machine.
If the resource file lists an account that doesn't exist
on the machine, the mechanism immediately creates such an account.
Similarly if an account exists on the machine
but doesn't appear in the file,
that account no longer has any sponsors
and so an account deletion mechanism takes over the account.
For sponsored accounts that do exist,
it adjusts disk quotas and group memberships as necessary,
including handling cases of multiple sponsorship.
For Nexus accounts, the resource file goes to student.math,
where a program compares it with a dump of the
existing Nexus accounts.
Any differences result in a
MS-DOS batch file
add and
delete commands that
the perseus.math
PC then processes.
For Active Directory accounts, the resource file goes to mfcf.math
where a program queries our
AD server
and compares the results with these requests.
LDAP commands immediately correct any differences
(e.g. new accounts, expired accounts, group membership).
Note that in each case, quite different mechanisms
handle the compiled resource request files,
sometimes by the accounts-master machine itself,
sometimes by a second machine, and sometimes by
the target machine via an intermediate machine.
The exact mechanisms depend upon the type of resource
but not upon the sponsorship data itself,
allowing implementation changes and reconfiguration
without affecting or requiring changes to anything else.
Remote Results
Wherever possible, each machine that controls access to a resource
ends up with information that allows one to determine why each
allocation exists.
lpquota command lists the sponsoring class
as the
Account associated with the printer quota entry.
(The differing terminology predates the sponsorship mechanism.)
Similarly, the
userinfo command lists one's
Classes, including group and diskquota limits.
In no case does a resource exist without a corresponding
value indicating its sponsorship.
Even in cases where resources haven't fully gone away,
a sponsor will still exist.
(E.g. we grant a grace period for computing accounts to allow
users time to move their files etc.,
and during this period
MFCF itself
(and not any previous sponsor of the resource)
sponsors any resource usage.)
The central sponsors database defines the allocation of resources
to users on all the machines that
MFCF administers.
This database operates independently of the type and location
of the resources controlled.
The information passes to each resource's maintenance mechanism
with instructions to make-it-so.
This mechanism operates independently of the source of the information,
neither process needing to know anything about how the other works.
One can easily track every resource allocation to a responsible sponsor,
and every sponsor to the resources for which they have responsibility.
Future Directions
This mechanism could easily extend to manage other kinds of resources,
such as xhiered software packages.
-- RayButterworth - 01 Oct 2008
-- AdrianPepper - 15 Mar 2011