I ran out of space on /fsys1 recently. Adrian helped me out by installing the packages I wanted installed that had caused the problem. He put them on a different filesystem.

From:    Adrian Pepper <arpepper@cs.uwaterloo.ca>
To:    mpatters@cs.uwaterloo.ca
Subject:    twikifodder
Date:    Wed, 9 Feb 2005 19:05:20 -0500 (EST)


sun580# cd /software
sun580# xh-size javajdk*1.5*
Package           Total   arch  share
javajdkdoc-1.5    238128         238128
javajdk-1.5       160223  160207     16
                  398351  160207  238144
sun580# grep . /software/javajdk*-1.5/.admin/Dependencies
/software/javajdk-1.5/.admin/Dependencies:# list of packages that javajdk-1.5 requires before it can be installed
/software/javajdkdoc-1.5/.admin/Dependencies:# list of packages that javajdkdoc-1.5 requires before it can be installed
sun580# xh-size javaClassCover-1.5
Total   arch  local  share
   18      2      2     14

softbase.math# pwd
softbase.math# ls -l | align
total      12
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other 22 Feb 7 2001 admin    -> /fsys1/.software/admin
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other 21 Feb 7 2001 arch     -> /fsys1/.software/arch
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other 22 Feb 7 2001 local    -> /fsys1/.software/local
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other 25 Feb 7 2001 regional -> /fsys1/.software/regional
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other 22 Feb 7 2001 share    -> /fsys1/.software/share
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root other 22 Feb 7 2001 spool    -> /fsys1/.software/spool
softbase.math# mkdir /fsys3/.software /fsys3/.software/arch
softbase.math# mkdir /fsys3/.software/share

softbase.math# cd /fsys3/.software
softbase.math# mkdir arch/javajdk-1.5 share/javajdk-1.5
softbase.math# mkdir share/javajdkdoc-1.5

softbase.math# cd /.software/arch
softbase.math# pwd
softbase.math# ln -s ../../../fsys3/.software/arch/javajdk-1.5
softbase.math# lc javajdk-1.5

softbase.math# cd /.software/share
softbase.math# pwd
softbase.math# ln -s ../../../fsys3/.software/share/javajdk-1.5
softbase.math# ln -s ../../../fsys3/.software/share/javajdkdoc-1.5
softbase.math# lc javajdk-1.5
softbase.math# lc javajdkdoc-1.5

sun580# batch now -m arpepper@cs -c "xh-dist2 softbase.math javajdkdoc-1.5"
[Sigh ...]

cscf.cs>2# xh-descendants javajdk-1.5
cscf.cs>2# xh-size javajdk-1.5
Total   arch  share
160224  160208     16
cscf.cs>2# xh-descendants javajdkdoc-1.5
cscf.cs>2# xh-size javajdkdoc-1.5
Total  share
238128  238128
cscf.cs>2# xh-descendants xhier | grep soft
cscf.cs>2# batch now -m arpepper@cs -c "xh-dist2 softbase.math javajdkdoc-1.5"

softbase.math# !!
df -k /fsys1 /fsys3
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d20      8065025 7442595  541780    94%    /fsys1
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s1    4041171 2310108 1690652    58%    /fsys3
softbase.math# !!
df -k /fsys1 /fsys3
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d20      8065025 7442595  541780    94%    /fsys1
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s1    4041171 2310523 1690237    58%    /fsys3
softbase.math# !!
df -k /fsys1 /fsys3
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d20      8065025 7442595  541780    94%    /fsys1
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s1    4041171 2310892 1689868    58%    /fsys3

Note consumption of space on /fsys3, but not on /fsys1

cscf.cs>2# batch now -m arpepper@cs -c "xh-dist2 softbase.math javajdk-1.5"

And after a brief consumption on /fsys1 (javaClassCover-1.5) the consumption
on /fsys3 began again, stabilizing at...

softbase.math# df -k /fsys1 /fsys3
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d20      8065025 7442744  541631    94%    /fsys1
/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s1    4041171 2707442 1293318    68%    /fsys3


From root@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca Wed Feb  9 18:42:57 2005
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:42:53 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <200502092342.j19NgrM18048@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca>
To: arpepper@cs.uwaterloo.ca
From: The Batch Daemon <batch@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: cscf.cs: Success+Output: 'cfq110799165816908' in 'now' queue

Job 'cfq110799165816908' in cscf.cs's 'now' queue has completed successfully.
Total CPU used: 45.4 sec.
Command list follows:

xh-dist2 softbase.math javajdkdoc-1.5

Output follows:

xh-dist2 FYI: checking all dependencies.
xh-dist2 FYI: using "xh-alter-requests -a javajdkdoc-1.5" on host "softbase.math".
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "javajdkdoc-1.5" to "softbase.math":
xh-dist2 FYI: and batching xh-make-links on the remote machine.

From root@softbase.math.uwaterloo.ca Wed Feb  9 18:43:26 2005
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:43:24 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <200502092343.j19NhOm04678@softbase.math.uwaterloo.ca>
To: arpepper@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca
From: The Batch Daemon <batch@softbase.math.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: softbase.math: Success+Output: 'xh-dist2/xh-make-links' in 'sys_later' queue

Job 'cfq11079925734639' in softbase.math's 'sys_later' queue has completed successfully.
Total CPU used: 3.9 sec.
Command list follows:

 /bin/sh -c "/software/xhier/maintenance/xh-make-links" 

Output follows:

xh-make-links: package conflicts detected!
        x11_minimal/bin/xauthdist  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xauthdist
        x11_minimal/bin/xdisplay  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xdisplay
        x11_minimal/bin/xmsg  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xmsg
        x11_minimal/bin/xrsh  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xrsh
        x11_minimal/bin/xtattr  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xtattr
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xshowkey.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/dclock.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xrsh.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xtattr.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xautolock.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xauthdist.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xdisplay.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xselection.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xmsg.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xcoloredit.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xlock.

From root@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca Wed Feb  9 18:50:11 2005
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:50:05 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <200502092350.j19No5119041@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca>
To: arpepper@cs.uwaterloo.ca
From: The Batch Daemon <batch@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: cscf.cs: Success+Output: 'cfq110799280218654' in 'now' queue

Job 'cfq110799280218654' in cscf.cs's 'now' queue has completed successfully.
Total CPU used: 28.2 sec.
Command list follows:

xh-dist2 softbase.math javajdk-1.5

Output follows:

xh-dist2 FYI: checking all dependencies.
xh-dist2 FYI: using "xh-alter-requests -a javaClassCover-1.5" on host "softbase.math".
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "javaClassCover-1.5" to "softbase.math":
xh-dist2 FYI: using "xh-alter-requests -a javajdk-1.5" on host "softbase.math".
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "javajdk-1.5" to "softbase.math":
xh-dist2 FYI: and batching xh-make-links on the remote machine.

From root@softbase.math.uwaterloo.ca Wed Feb  9 18:50:35 2005
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 18:50:33 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <200502092350.j19NoX005434@softbase.math.uwaterloo.ca>
To: arpepper@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca
From: The Batch Daemon <batch@softbase.math.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: softbase.math: Success+Output: 'xh-dist2/xh-make-links' in 'sys_later' queue

Job 'cfq11079930055405' in softbase.math's 'sys_later' queue has completed successfully.
Total CPU used: 3.6 sec.
Command list follows:

 /bin/sh -c "/software/xhier/maintenance/xh-make-links" 

Output follows:

xh-make-links: package conflicts detected!
        x11_minimal/bin/xauthdist  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xauthdist
        x11_minimal/bin/xdisplay  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xdisplay
        x11_minimal/bin/xmsg  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xmsg
        x11_minimal/bin/xrsh  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xrsh
        x11_minimal/bin/xtattr  with  x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xtattr
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xshowkey.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/dclock.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xrsh.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xtattr.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xautolock.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xauthdist.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xdisplay.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xselection.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xmsg.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xcoloredit.
        ... resolving to exclude x11r6-xfree-4.3_additions/bin/xlock.

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