Present: Nancy Day,
Started: 1105, Completed: 1145
- Issues with the new lab. Watform will likely be moving in early next term (furniture is scheduled to go in this week). Lawrence will talk to Dave Gawley to figure out how, exactly, we're handling moving PCs. (Thinking is that Core types will do the actual moves. We're not sure about networks.) Possible problem: those students in places like EIT and the SWEN lab are on 92 net, which is Engineering, not CS. Do we route those networks on our switches with the plan of eventually moving them over to CS IPspace? That's likely the best plan. Or we could rename/number right away, but that runs the risk of having to do it twice in relatively rapid succession once we deploy CS firewalls.
- Separate but related issue: Watform are keeping the mono HP printer from the current SE lab. jasper has been having issues anyway; let's move print serving from jasper to mudge once the lab is moved. Then we don't have to worry about jasper. Possible issues here are sensible installation of drivers. Cory spent a fair bit of time with CUPS making it auto-offer Windows drivers to both 2k and XP machines - can we duplicate this?
- watform-1 package. Some concerns with versioning of software in /watform/bin. Also do links get made automagically? Maybe we could set Nancy up with sudo access to xh-install and xh-make-links on mudge-region machines.
- SMV upgrade: new version is busted on woody machines, but works on sarge. We'll close this item (ST#46191) because upgrading to sarge will automagically fix this.
- Watform are currently way behind on hours. So, we should upgrade servers to sarge this term. Mike thinks it will take about a day's worth of work (worst case 2 days) to upgrade quadra, tumbo, and gooch. Another day or so for mudge. With mudge, we should back up /home and rebuild that filesystem as a RAID stripe with the "new" disk.
- Nancy is still wondering about making mudge etc talk to the UPS. Mike needs to talk to Dave about the private area network he was thinking of.
- Nancy needs a PS/2 to USB converter (one single, and one double). Latter is $22 from 5D. Campus Techshop probably has both items as well.
-- MikePatterson - 13 Dec 2004