This is an old document, dated 17 February 2005.

Using pkgviews on a Mac OS system

Mac OS 10.3.8, xcode 1.5 and Java 1.4.2 Developers installed. This requires a case-sensitive (and preserving) filesystem.

extracted pkgsrc.tar.gz to /Users/mpatters/mm (so ~/mm/pkgsrc is dir it really lives in, all relative directory references will be based on that dir).

Edit etc/defaults/mk.conf and set:

  • PKG_INSTALLATION_PREFS?= pkgviews overwrite

sudo, then cd bootstrap. We'll try without trying to force in xhier conventions first... so just plain bootstrap: ./bootstrap

mrf. Move ~mpatters/mm/pkgsrc to /usr and chown it to root. Add /usr/pkg/bin to PATH. Now cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest and bmake package.

So this got me stuff under /usr/pkg/packages/digest-20021220/{bin,man}

Hrm. But I also have a digest binary (not the same one) in /usr/pkg/bin. Weird.

Try again later.

-- MikePatterson - 04 Dec 2005

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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-12-04 - MikePatterson
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