This is a result of ST#51092. Gladimir Baranoski and Justin Wan needed to be able to build against various OpenGL libraries on their IRIX machines.
Initially, the problem was simply that the available libraries were out of date, although some were missing altogether. The requirement was to get gtkglextmm working, as well as its dependencies. Making them build "the xhier way" was taking too long, so we cheated. I found nekoware, which had many of the dependencies packaged already, so we used
to install those to their default location of
Using the nekoware libraries: it's likely best if you use neko's gcc, as well as their other various utilities. So set your PATH to the output of showpath /usr/nekoware/bin standard u=m, if you use csh or tcsh it's:
setenv PATH `showpath /usr/nekoware/bin standard u=m` ; rehash
and bash it's
export PATH=`showpath /usr/nekoware/bin standard u=m`
You will undoubtedly need to set your PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable as well. Various fragments you might need are:
You won't necessarily need all of them, but chances are you'll need at least the nekoware one.
Staff members who may wish to follow in my footsteps will want to look at ST#52406 and ST#51092. The Nekochan archive I used is
MikePatterson - 10 Mar 2006, 27 April 2006