CertBot - a tool for making HTTPS certificates work automatically
CertBot (actually Certbot or certbot, so not inherently
a twikiword) is software designed to keep
Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt) certificates
automatically up-to-date, without human drudgery.
Conceptually, other certificate vendors could arrange
to be clients of certbot.
Therefore, arguably,
if you have https servers which use
Let's Encrypt certificates
it is better to refer to the usage as
certbot than Let's Encrypt.
It will remain to be seen whether any other certificate
vendors end up being certbot-compatible.
(Or perhaps instead other vendors will develop certbot rivals).
It will also remain to be seen whether anyone other than
the original page author/creator updates this page with
further information, or, more usefully, further links to
reliable, enduring, information elsewhere.
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.