Linux Working Group


Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2022-05-18

Invitees - Attendees

  • Invited: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, Lawrence, Omar
  • Present: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Lawrence

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Review last meeting's Action Items

  • Anthony - create dashboards for monitoring processor data - RT#1224667
    • not yet, Anthony will create a ticket to get things started ... RT#1224667
  • Clayton/Fraser - document process of adding hosts to AD and move to a generally accessible place (git) -> - Fraser to test process on GL machines
    • Fraser: tried a sample and it worked well, but haven't done a large enough sample to say for sure
    • Clayton - issues with binding 22.04 machine to AD
  • Dave - put up Beta version of new Virtual Host Index / Anthony to create a ticket - RT#1211603 -> working on it
    • not up yet
  • Lori - create ticket for Devon to create combined graph for DFSc
  • Lawrence - follow-up with SuperMicro re: RT#1079451 - ubuntu1804-006 CPU hardware errors - verify CPU being shipped
    • going back to "Plan A" to ship the whole thing
    • Lawrence will get Kimberley to print the label and get Central Stores to pick it up
    • Guoxiang will become the PoC for this issue
  • Anthony - update the Purpose field of currently "unused" machines in the Virtual Host Index: some progress, need to make another pass.
    • still working on that, made some progress
  • Nathan - create ticket for btrf testing, especially wrt for managing LXC root file size limits
    • Nathan not here today
    • Anthony following btrfs mailing list, they seem to be settling on an approach
  • Lawrence/Omar - send out notice regarding upcoming between-term reboots, Anthony - update relevant motd files
    • done
    • stock kernel reversion was not a problem

Proposed Agenda Items

Packaging of suexec-flex on depot.cs - Lawrence

  • probably need to have a discussion between Isaac, Anthony, Nathan
  • Adrian - concerned that it may not be complete
  • a meeting needs to be had (possibly include Dave and Lori)
  • Lori - will book a meeting
  • Lori - do we even need suexec-flex? Anthony - good thing to open the meeting with
  • Lori - can patches be committed upstream (ie: the package maintainers)

What are custom changes to CSCF kernels? - Lori

@ubuntu2004-002% uname -a
Linux ubuntu2004-002 5.4.0-109-generic #123+cscf1 SMP Thu May 5 09:17:14 EDT 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Anthony - did make (small) changes
  • Anthony will provide a diff list
  • Naming: supersedes 5.4.0-109, but would be overwritten by 5.4.0-110
  • purposes is to answer questions about cap usage
  • Anthony - documented the diffs in the custom kernel - see RT#1224675

Infrastructure ubuntu Lifecycle - Lawrence

  • Ubuntu LTS Lifecycle
  • where are we at wrt Ubuntu 22.04 - are we on-schedule?
  • Anthony - have been discussing this with Dave recently
  • Yes - we are on schedule
  • Anthony building 22.04 meta-packages
  • Lori - RSG is putting 22.04 on grad laptops - needed the driver for WiFi for P15s
  • Anthony - there is a ticket for any 22.04 issues - feel free to create child tickets
  • Lori - has 22.04 running on several research machines, and it has an updated saltstack
  • Lawrence - do we have this? "repurpose an oldest general-use server to be used as the new LTS release dev system"
  • Lawrence - do we have diverging process for imaging machines?
  • Anthony - will run through the installer by hand just to see what works

home directories - how are they actually created? - Lawrence

  • eg: RT#1223596
  • Yes, the home directory is there now there
  • Adrian: the process in CS-General ("Research) is completely differently than in CS-Teaching
  • some discussion of the process ...
  • Adrian - it is done manually and he may have done this, in this case. He has been teaching Clayton

Action Items for next meeting

  • Anthony - create dashboards for monitoring processor data - RT#1224667
  • Clayton/Fraser - document process of adding hosts to AD and move to a generally accessible place (git) -> - Fraser to test process on GL machines
  • Dave - put up Beta version of new Virtual Host Index / Anthony to create a ticket - RT#1211603 -> working on it
  • Lawrence - follow-up with SuperMicro re: RT#1079451 - ubuntu1804-006 CPU hardware errors - verify CPU being shipped
  • Lori - will book a meeting re: suexec-flex
  • Lawrence/Lori - schedule meeting re: home directory creation
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Topic revision: r6 - 2022-05-18 - LawrenceFolland
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