Handling email from Off Campus
Several ISPs block port 25(SMTP) from leaving their networks. They expect that you will only use their mail services. This, I believe, is intended to reduce spam.
Set up your out-going mail account to use Port 587
Setting up Outlook 2003 email accounts
Incoming mail settings (for Imap)
- Incoming mail server: mail.cs.uwaterloo.ca
- Logon information: CS username and password, check "Remember password"
- Do not check "Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)"
- More Settings:
- Outgoing Server tab:
- Check "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication"
- Select "Use same settings as my incoming server"
- If you're using POP, make sure "Use same settings as my incoming server" is set and not "Login to incoming server before sending mail" - this will not work!
- If you are using IMAP this option "Login to incoming server before sending mail" will not appear
- Advanced Tab
- Incoming Server (IMAP): 993
- Check "This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
- Outgoing Server (SMTP): 587
- Check "This server requires and encrypted connection (SSL)"
See attachments for some nifty screenshots.
-- LawrenceFolland - 22 Jan 2006