Annual Reviews - Client Survey

We usually email something like this:

To: cs-announce
Subject: annual CSCF (Computer Science Computing Facility) staff reviews

It's time for annual reviews of CSCF (Computer Science Computing Facility)
staff.  The goal is an accurate assessment of each staff member's
performance during _YYYY_.  To assist us in this process we would
appreciate your comments (positive or negative) about specific CSCF
staff you interact with.

Some examples of what we're looking for include:

  conveys the desire to help ?
  timeliness of response ?
  has the ability to address your needs ?
  keeps you informed ?
  quality of results ?
  consulted frequently (daily, weekly, termly, ...) ?
  is proactive ?

For CSCF infrastructure staff, comments about CSCF infrastructure
(positive or negative) can be helpful.

Please forward comments about CSCF (staff) to their manager.
Comments about managers performance should be sent to the
Director of Infrastructure.

You can see who reports to whom here:
If you'd prefer to talk rather than email, let the manager/Director know.

Your contributions will be anonymous, in that the relevant staff
members won't be told where comments came from, and specific
details will be removed or generalized where practical.

at the beginning of January, at the latest. We don't want to spam people, so only one message is sent.

A variation of the above could be sent to non-CS people that CSCF serves or interacts with. E.g.

and possibly any IST people we're involved with on committees.
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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-10-07 - BillInce
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