MikeGore - 2015-08-27
Cluster Imaging tools
- See CloneZilla
- /cscf-adm/src/fetch_clonezilla updates to the latest version automatically
- /tftpboot/pxes/pxelinux.cfg/clonezilla is the PXE boot menu - does not have to change with most updates.
- We have the latest version (as of 10 April 2015) of clonezilla on himrod
- Web site: http://clonezilla.org/
- Screen shots
- Features
- Can image and restore both Windows and Linux systems
- Recover/backup
- PXE bootable
- Multicast
- Supports a wide range of file systems
- Backup only parts of the disk that are used
- Limitations
- Cannot restore to smaller disks or partitions
Live boot images
- /cscf-adm/src/fetch_ubuntu_releases 14.04 will update all of the latest 14.04 releases
- Any number of version numbers can be listed - they will all be updated
- calls pxe_liveboot_nfs service to remount and export new images
PXE Ubuntu Installers
- /cscf-adm/src/fetch_ubuntu_installers - creates a PXE installer for all liveboot images
- This is only of use for an install from scratch
RIP PXE node imaging old method
- We used RIP PXE boot to image the original nodes on himrod - the suggested new was is to use clonezilla
- Use iDRac web console for node
- firefox --no-remote ilom-himrod-1
- login with root and 2013 cscf-adm passwd
- Network boot the node in pxe mode: reboot_once_pxe
- Choose RIPLinuX 13.7
- RIPLinuX 13.7 64Bit with Kernel from himrod version vmlinuz...
- login root - no password
- setup network dhcpcd
- run clone script: distroy_and_clone
- This reformats /dev/sda partitions and copies /himrod-node (from himrod) to / on the node
- cd /mnt/sda1/ubuntu-scripts
- chroot and bind required filesystems into /mnt/sda1:
- ./mnntpart /dev/sda1 - ignore any bind mount errors - a few are for other versions of ubuntu
- verify networking, ie: ping www.yahoo.com
- fix grub
- cd /ubuntu-scripts
- ./grubfix
- yes remove grub - we purge and reinstall
- boot */dev/sda1
RIP updates or customizati"> Local RIP updates or customization
- /cscf-adm/src/update_rip 13.7 pxe
USAGE: ./update_rip version type
version is numeric
type is grub,grub2,syslinux,pxe or all
Example: ./update_rip 13.7 grub2
patches RIP13.7 directory with ghost
Example: ./update_rip all
updates ALL (pxe,syslinux,grub2) boot images on himrod
- This script will also add cscf specific customizations to RIP
- It also rewrites the /tftpboot/pxes/pxelinux.cfg/rip_menu and rip_menu13.7 etc