OFIS Notes from 2 February, 2011
Daniel: volunteering to determine/recommend workflow using mercurial(hg) source control, and clean up the redmine/mercurial data a bit.
Vu: info.uwaterloo.ca was down, so OFIS css didn't work?... he's looking at paths. how much work to revamp? might be a lot.
Michael: working on data dictionary; will try out DB workbench. Olga: can we do freeform comment entry, to store business rules? hopefully. working on draft of ERD.
Olga ECC meeting 17th. do we want feedback before then? not necessary.
Ray: will upgrade to PHP5.3- whenever there is downtime. Marlon working on HR imports, will tell ray when.
Marlon: HR imports- watiam lags HR with updates, and that's frustrating; likes hg; error reports since november are 15 pages; he'll look into them. Office of Research will be meeting with us 1st week of March.
Marlin wants to know project priorities for 2011. Brainstorming:
- people table
- Vu: problems solved by switching to OO code.. take on the major task of refactoring code to OO?
- revision-control/redmine
- Requires first solving relative-paths problem
- errors and how to handle them - depts?
- Connect OFIS to Sharepoint to expand reports to the Dean's office
- automatically updating contributions lifetime total ("baseline")
- help system
- personalizations/user settings - vs. chair settings?
- Engr. grad critiques - by next merit
- suppress report sections without data (user pref)
- Tweaking pages to the new common look and feel
Marlin proposes it would be great to:
- do one major new import (eg., IAP data, campus wide, currently input by faculty)
- allow profs to manually correct data they may feel is wrong
- rework one major part of OFIS' core, i.e. the people table, etc.
- Marlon will say when he's reimporting the Faculty_member table; re-load my changed names.
- ask faculty members: display on web?
- process for improving CS teaching roster data to include faculty userid?
- published book has (accepted) date?
- Vu: excel import: doesn't work on mac Office 2008?
-- DanielAllen - 03 Feb 2011