Certain maintenance requires that a computing environment be disabled; taken "down". The principles to be followed when choosing an appropriate time and duration are:
The feasibility of avoiding working hours can be affected by factors such as:
Reaction to a downtime notice is intended to be the rescheduling of affected work, and/or rescheduling the downtime itself. In the rare case that there's no advantage to either, e.g. the ability to recover files from tape backups, advance notice can be minimal. The downtime should still occur outside of working hours.
For the CS General Environment, morning downtime should end before 8:30, and evening downtime should start no earlier than 16:30.
Downtime for the cs-teaching Macintosh environment is usually determined by agreement with the ISG, as they represent almost of all of the instructors that use it. It usually happens during the working day, between scheduled classes.
Downtime for a redundant system that doesn't provide services that are damaging to interrupt, such as long running CPU service, can usually be scheduled for any time, with notice given the beginning of the working day before the day of the downtime. The offer to reschedule needn't be given.
To the extent that it's possible, new users should be automatically redirected, e.g. via `hostselect` in the student.math environment. It's unclear how far in advance such redirection should be to have the desired effect.
Downtime for a single user workstation, or even for a group machine for which all users can agree, is done whenever it's agreeable. Often that's during the working day.