IST requires password only authentication to end mid Novemenber 2021.
CSCF Infrastrcuture group wants password only authentication to end by start of Fall term
all service changes should happen between terms not in the middle.
Nick points out we need to tell Profs and Instructors ASAP so they can update course content.
Dave wants user documentation created regarding remote access to our two domain
it needs to contain at least a minimum links to IST documentation on VPN, DUO, ssh-key management, rdp
need CSCF to promote user docs.
many questions about interoperability of DUO, our domain service, netgroups and resource access.
much speculation without technical details.
need a table of CS services and resources indicating what identity and resource mechanisms they require.
Please do not squelch members of a ticket on responses
we have firm requests from some Professors (Martin Karsten being one example) that DON'T want to see every ticket comment.
Nick: What is the recommended approach for users to send out emails automatically, ex. in a cronjob or script?
missed the case where a "user" runs a "script/program" that emails out a form letter to a list of users.
note that CS will not be offering any smtp service, people will need to setup their email client to send messages via the IST selected campus smtp service.
Devon: Is it possible for course accounts to have access to Vault?
ISA (Barb) wants shared volumes.
Nick would like Devon to include him on the ticket.
Dave asks, "Is there still a reason why the course accounts need to stay in the TEACHING domain?"
jupyterhub.cs kvm host (deferred till Fraser is here).
Lori speculated about leveraging datasci systems. (GPU needed.)
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.