Grad Student Accounts

Here we discuss the various accounts Grad students may get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary information may be required.


Required authorization

  • Users who need to update accounts need to be in group "sponsor" and group "accounts" on
    • That is, in those groups in the CS-GENERAL AD
  • Users who need to manipulate accounts, for example set passwords, in the cs-general region to be in the "accounts" group on cs-general.cs.private. Similarly for any other region.


Location of Accounts Sponsor files

The accounts files for CS are on the UNIX computer

cd /software/accounts-master/data/sponsors


Directory/File NamePurpose
Research/ files under Research correspond to an individual researcher or research group. Here resources, or extra resources, for users specifically affiliated with particular researchers can be sponsored. These might be extra disk space (or theoretically printing) for a grad student, or entire accounts for associated or visiting researchers.
REGISTRAR/ files under REGISTRAR "automatically" sponsor resources, based on data received from the registrar's office
REGISTRAR/.DATA/ Don't touch! The accounts-master computer program uses information from the Registrar to put, beneath this directory, lists of students in different classes
REGISTRAR/Grads base resources for Masters and PhD students
REGISTRAR/Undergrads base resources for undergraduate students
REGISTRAR/cs resources linked to enrolment in CS courses
REGISTRAR/se resources linked to enrolment in SE courses
REGISTRAR-YYYYMM/ Files under REGISTRAR-YYYYMM, e.g. REGISTRAR-201001 implement the predictable long-term expiry of sponsored resources by freezing the indicated previous terms class (program/year) memberships. Another file there ensures any account created stays until after the drop-add deadline. Occasionally (usually only in fall terms) you will see REGISTRAR-YYYYMMext directories. Read the file .README in such a directory for an explanation of its purpose and how it was created.

The uwuserid and student id number of all graduate students are automatically placed the files named cs8 (Masters) and cs9 (PhDs) beneath REGISTRAR/.DATA. This triggers the allocation of primary accounts for graduate students in the cs-general region.

Graduate students will receive other accounts in the student.cs region based on the similar appearance of their uwuserid and student id number in files corresponding to individual courses. For example, grad student identification might appear in a file cs798, or cs648, and occasionally even one such as cs350. For more details see UndergraduateAccounts since the sponsorship mechanism is similar in those cases.

In addition, supervisors often want to sponsor other accounts on their own research regions, and occasionally sponsor extra resources in the cs-general region. All such extra sponsorship requires manual configuration to supplement the automatic allocations. It is fairly common for supervisors to request sponsored (UNIX) group memberships for their students, to allow groups of their graduate students to share information with each other.

-- AdrianPepper - 2014-08-14

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