Undergraduate Accounts

Here we discuss the accounts Undergraduate students get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary information may occasionally be required.


Location of Accounts Sponsor files

The accounts files for CS are on the UNIX computer cs-xh-admin.cs.private.uwaterloo.ca

cd /software/accounts-master/data/sponsors


Directory/File NamePurpose
REGISTRAR/ files under REGISTRAR "automatically" sponsor resources, based on data received from the registrar's office
REGISTRAR/.DATA/ Don't touch! The accounts-master computer program uses information from the Registrar to put, beneath this directory, lists of students in different classes
REGISTRAR/Grads base resources for Masters and PhD students
REGISTRAR/Undergrads base resources for undergraduate students
REGISTRAR/cs resources linked to enrolment in CS courses
REGISTRAR/se resources linked to enrolment in SE courses
REGISTRAR-YYYYMM/ Files under REGISTRAR-YYYYMM, e.g. REGISTRAR-201001 implement the predictable long-term expiry of sponsored resources by freezing the indicated previous terms class (program/year) memberships. Another file there ensures any account created stays until after the drop-add deadline. Occasionally (usually only in fall terms) you will see REGISTRAR-YYYYMMext directories. Read the file .README in such a directory for an explanation of its purpose and how it was created.

Beneath REGISTRAR/.DATA, the uwuserid and student id number of Math and CS students are automatically placed the files named cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, and math1, math2, math3, math4, math5, corresponding to their enrollment and year. In fact, there are also cs0, and math0 which contain identifiers of students clearly in Math and CS, but not identifiable as in any normal year of study. Configuration in REGISTRAR/Undergrads refers to those files to cause accounts to be allocated in the student.cs region for the corresponding students.

Students will also receive accounts based on the appearance of their uwuserid and studen id number in files corresponding to individual courses, for example cs115, or cs350. When these students are not Math or CS students, this causes them to have an account which expires when they are no longer enrolled in the course (or any other such course), which normally happens at the end of the term.

The parallel directories REGISTRAR-YYYYMM ensure, for Math and CS students, that accounts remain for two terms after their last registration. This was originally done so that co-op students returning would not need their account recreated (which at the time would often entail lots of requests for restores of old files).

At the beginning of the term, students not infrequently require accounts before their course registration has come through. Modify the file REGISTRAR/cs (or occasionally REGISTRAR/se) to logically add their Membership to the appropriate list, with an expiry date.

For example, the lines in red would sponsor sgamgee as an exception for the indicated course (cs652):

Class: cs652
# Held together cs452 cs652
Description: CS 452
Load: high
# Requirements: Train Lab
Requirements: Subversion ?

Members: <.DATA/cs652
# Mon Sep 13, 2010 - has not shown up in registrar's data
# (Appears to be an Engineering Masters Student)
MembershipEnds: 2010/Oct/31
Members: sgamgee

Computing: student.cs
Groups: cs452_sf
# RT#71255
Quota: 200M
AssignTo: *MEMBERS*
Computing: canadenis.student.cs
Groups: student_cs
AssignTo: *MEMBERS*


Email Replies to Expiry Inquiries From Users Who Are Not Undergraduate Students

For Graduate CS students, these accounts expire on terms when the grad student in question is neither teaching, nor taking a course. A fairly common occurrence is that the students do not realize that the account expiring is not their main account.

A similar situation sometimes also aries for those in post-doctoral postitions who do sessional lectures for some terms.

For details about this, including suggested replies to send, see Email Replies to Expiry Inquiries From Users Who Are Not Undergraduate Students.

More Details

See SponsorsDataEditingTutorial for details and more generalized examples. And Sponsors Data Accounts Maintenance in general for detailed background.

-- AdrianPepper - 16 Nov 2011

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