

We have created a standardized location for electronic documents. The original purpose was for storing Purchase Orders and quotes in a shared repository. We now use it for any ST attachments (see: RTEmailGateway), Equipment Notes (see below) and many other files. It can also be used for other files that you would like to have shared within CSCF.

Where to find them

You can find them here:

or via Samba here:

  • \\smb-files.cs.uwaterloo.ca\edocs [ Needs review/update: smbclient -c "cd rtattach/57967; ls" //smb-files/edocs Enter xxx's password: yyyyyyyy session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE]

or via NFS on cscf.cs here:

  • /autofs/www/cscf/edocs

Required permissions

You will need to be a member of CSCF or MFCF staff to view these documents

See: Providing ST and eDocs access for how to update that list

Equipment Notes

There is a new feature in the Inventory system that will display a link to web page in the Equipment Notes folder of eDocs. We currently have three categories:

  1. Machines - basically computers, named based on the "Name:" field in inventory. Links to that name can be created based on Cnames in DNS
  2. Printers - any printers we manage. Named based on the "Name:" field in inventory. Links to that name can be created based on queue names in print.cs and Samba
  3. Other - any other network-addressable equipment - network switches, KVMs, sensors, etc.

ST Attachments


Q. My account is not allowed to read the ST attachments over HTTP.

  • A. Try SMB, smbclient -c "cd rtattach/57967; ls" //smb-files/edocs.
  • A2: Also make sure that when you create:
    • directories in eDocs that you create them with at least g+rx or, preferably, g+rwx
    • files in eDocs that you create them with at least g+r or, preferably, g+rw
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Topic revision: r14 - 2015-03-04 - MikeGore
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