For faculty: ljp_cs (1,2) DC 2320 lj_dc3624 DC 3624 ljp_dc3109 DC 3116 aka ljp_7(?) For Grad Students: $40 quota for self service printers ps_mfcf Sample print command, including account name: lpr -Pps_mfcf -RNonMath-CSCF (cscf staff) -Rcs8 (Master's students) -Rcs9 (PhD) (or -Pljp_3016 ??)
In the applications (under Windows or Linux), Print to a file scp filename username@cpu102: ssh cpu102 lpr -Pljp_cs filename
Here's how I use ssh to print from zonker. This uses softbase to print, but it should work that same way with one of the cs core machines. ssh softbase lpr -Pljp_cs -R Rxyz001 < filename where filename is the name of the file that I want to print. I'm not even sure that the -R option (account number) is needed for most users. If you've got ssh keys set up properly, no passwords are required to do this. Without keys, ssh will end up prompting for a password for the remote account.
-- LawrenceFolland - 22 Dec 2004