ST - Service - Special Events
While there are various one-time special events,
there are some regular events.
We plan to document
MacOSX software that's often needed for special events.
Programming Challenge for Girls (PC4G)
Dates: Friday: 2014-12-12, 2015-12-11
One day; usually on a Friday in December during CS Education Week.
Contact: Sandy Graham (sandy.graham)
- Could require as many as 30 machines - ideally spaced apart
- Need 40 guest accounts cleared and ready for use
- Requires Alice 3.0 (which might be working now on MacOSX 10.10.3)
- Specific software needs available by beginning of September
ST #96631 2014-12-12
Canadian Computing Olympiad (CCO; formerly CCC Stage II)
Dates: Monday to Friday: 2015-05-11 → 2015-05-15,
2016-05-09 → 2015-05-13
Five days; usually the week before the May long weekend.
Contact: Troy Vasiga (troy.vasiga)
- Currently handled by CSCF (CEMC happy to continue this)
- Need 30 machines running Linux Ubuntu with some compilers like g++/gcc/fpc installed
- Need 30 guest accounts
- Specific software needs available by early March
- Timeframe: mid-April set-up to last-minute lab check/hardware replacement
ST #99519 2015
CS Girls
Dates: Saturday to Saturday: 2015-05-23 → 2015-05-30,
2016-05-14 → 2016-05-21
Seven days; usually begins Saturday after May long weekend.
Contact: Sandy Graham (sandy.graham)
- Would like a lab reserved for the entire week for 36 people (Mac OS is fine)
- Need 40 guest accounts cleared and ready for use
- Occasional need for second lab when the group is split in two
- Specific needs available by end of March
ST #99403 2015
Dates: mid-June to August 29th 2015
Contact: cdyck,
- we give them admin access, and they install what's needed
- we re-image the machines at the end of the event
- they need one room of Macs
ST #98991 2015
IOI Training
Dates: 2015-07-13 18:00 to 2015-07-16 18:00 2015 (MC2061), Summer 2016?
Usually four or five days in June or July or August.
Contact: J.P. Pretti (jpretti)
- Need a reserved Linux lab with at least eight machines
- Need CCO accounts cleared and ready for use
- Specific software needs available by early March
ST #95247 2014
Shad Valley Workshop
Dates: 2015-07-14 14:30 → 16:30 (MC3004)
This looks to be every second year.
Contact: Jeff Orchard (jorchard)
- a Mac lab is usually used; once there was some linux.student.cs software to install
ST #100536 2015
CS Teachers' Summer Conference
Dates: Tuesday to Thursday: 2015-08-18 → 2015-08-20, August 2016
Usually three days beginning 20 days before Labour Day.
Contact: Sandy Graham (sandy.graham)
- Usually requires two labs at any given time
- Need 60 guest accounts cleared and ready for use
- On occasion may require a third lab
- Often requires multiple instances of new (free to download) software to be available
- Specific software and lab needs available by end of May
ST #100174 2015
Women in Computing — outreach
Dates: 2015-10-24
Contact: Jo Atlee (jmatlee)
- MC3003
- three software packages along the lines of the Alice programming language and environment
ST #99427 2015-10-24
Dates: throughout the year
It virtually always happens on a Saturday.
Contact: Troy Vasiga (tmjvasiga), and Ondre Lhotak (olhotak)
- Always want MC3022, for the Nettops
- There are special accounts, and a virtual (Ubuntu) machine (acm.student.cs)
- Software needs are generally met by the standard teaching environment software
- It's occasionally necessary to overflow into a Mac lab
ST #100754 2015-07-18