Email and Address Book File Locations

Outlook and Outlook Express File Locations

Please see Microsoft document for more details

All Microsoft data files are under the Documents and Settings directory.

C:\Documents and Settings

Note: in this directory there will be directories for each user

C:\Documents and Settings\userid (where userid = Your own login userid)

Address Book Locations

C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book

  • .pab and .nk2 \Documents and Settings\userid\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

Outlook Data Files

C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

And in

C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

Outlook Express Data file Locations

C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{....}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

Note: {....} the directory named enclosed by {}'s contains a long string of hyphenated hexadecimal numbers like {35C5F86E-A27A-4283-99EF-27675E3B61BB} but will be different for every system.

Outlook Log Files

Importing files from a backup

Import PST files

  1. On the File menu, click Import and Export.
  2. Click Import from another program or file, and then click Next.
  3. Click Personal Folder File (.pst), and then click Next.
  4. In the File to import box, specify the path and file name of the .pst file you want to import.

Import Address Books

  1. On the File menu, click Import and Export.
  2. Click Import from another program or file, and then click Next.
  3. Click Address Book (.nk2 or .pab), and then click Next.
  4. In the File to import box, specify the path and file name of the .pst file you want to import.

Outlook Backup and Restore Tool


Everything should be in c:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\ - generally there will be another subdirectory called default under that. Thunderbird will generate a unique salt for your userid each time you create a new profile. Everything will be in a directory that's called something like weh2qlqe.slt where the first part of the filename differs from user profile to user profile. Simply copying this entire directory should be sufficient, although copying Chrome and Extensions around between different versions of Thunderbird can be dangerous.

-- MikeGore - 28 Apr 2005, MikePatterson - 29 Apr 2005

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Topic revision: r8 - 2013-02-22 - DrewPilcher
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