OFIS Notes from 17 Jul 2009
- Beth is taking on Computing Director job while Peter Douglas is in Dubai (Nov-) but also stood in for Peter today.
- Marlon working on data cleanup: GSO spring imports in production (with 23 odd records); data-structures cleaned up; degree designation listings cleaned up; engr. course critiques import w/nexus IDs
- Noki: profs with multiple HR records / professional titles: cleaned up in db (vu has to do db)
- Q: more work for noki? Beth asked about input data-cleanup?
- Marlon: HR doesn't send updates for professor changing states (leave, die, etc)- eg. - Amit Chakma is still listed in OFIS as eng. prof.
- Is asking HR to add a flag for status. If he can get ahold of the IST people responsible. [asked him to send me the IST group; maybe we have IST contact?]
- He could work on modifying interface for contributions: to be type-specific: book, journal, etc.
- Daniel asked about version control going into the fall? Marlon says he's used svn for small projects, not for large. But we have a problem now and it'll only get worse.
- Suggested a group meeting with Ray, Vu, Marlon, Daniel, Noki to discuss setup/process.
- What is CS doing for the project? Essentially: input, output, interface. Have a co-op coming end of August, want to have our development in production before December.
- Marlon suggests: output in LaTeX template a priority.
- Daniel will report to the list about latex input and output.
- discussed .rtf as template standard; to get a cleaner version, save (word) generated rtf in wordpad; it strips gunk from word version.
- What are we all working on? Bring project/priority list for next week. Discuss on the list in the interim.
- eng: admin interface work: producing .csv reports for Dean's office people currently keeping .xls
- eng: 1-page merit report totals are wrong
- report tweaks: RTF process- Vu will have less time in the fall. Question of if Daniel and Tamir may take on some of this? Talk about it next week.
- Discussed project management theories; Beth is fond of WBSs
- Also deciding meeting schedule for fall.
Upcoming Tasks
- Daniel: report to list on http://www.tug.org/utilities/texconv/textopc.html
and bibtex exporting (xml, other formats?)
- Daniel: get usage report info from Peter: send another reminder
- Daniel: get information from current OFIS users
- Daniel: next steps toward output template development:
- download a few of the RTFs, look at them. Toward trying to producing a sample CS merit report: look at code for producing reports before next Friday
- Before next Friday, consider reporting code and whether it's reasonable to take on the task of OFIS report modifications.
- Daniel: set up meeting with Marlon, Vu, Ray about svn
- Daniel: When Beth posts to list about projects, add any we've missed.
- Daniel: When do I think is a good day/time for OFIS meetings?...
-- DanielAllen - 24 Jul 2009