We've learned that we must spend as much time on management as is necessary, and only with the remaining time may we engage in technical work. We regularly discuss technical principles and insights. Thus we should be doing the same thing for management.
The intent is to consider new principles on a regular basis. They're intended to provoke thought.
Some current favourite references, excerpts of which follow, are:
13 Fatal Errors Managers Make and How You Can Avoid Them by W. Steven Brown Order from Amazon.com
Winnie-the-Pooh on Management by Roger E. Allen Order from Amazon.com http://www.businessforum.com/pooh.html
The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer Johnson Order from Amazon.com http://whomovedmycheese.com/
There's no intent to spend a lot of time discussing these at meetings, unless of course it's warranted :-). E-mail may be the best way in some cases. We can ask ourselves to what extent we agree with a principle/definition, and then to what extent we're adhering to it, and how we can be better at it. Anyone can submit a principle for consideration.
Management principles should be considered in the context of
University policies and guidelines, including the
Basic Principles of the Workplace:
Before we can consider management principles, we need to have an idea of what management is.
The art and science of directing effort and resources
so that the established objectives of an enterprise
may be attained in accordance with accepted policies.
The most important thing a manager can do is to pay regular and careful attention to doing the very best job that can be done carrying out the six basic functions of a manager.
The first rule for establishing objectives is that they must be derived from and be in accordance with the basic purpose or mission of the organization. In other words, one has to know what the organization was set up to do, what its business really is. Then you can design objectives in any particular situation so they will make a contribution to accomplishing that purpose. Without a clear understanding of what the organization's mission is, there is no way a manager can decide what his objectives should be.
When top management hasn't established what the purpose is, the organization will almost always get into trouble.
You can't do an objective or a goal. The objective must be able to be translated into specific work and assignments that will be carried out to reach the goal.
The objective must concentrate on the really important things so that the best use is made of the resources available since no one and no organization has all the resources needed to do everything.
There should always be multiple objectives, because in any endeavour they are a variety of needs to be balanced, and that requires more than one objective.
Objectives must make sense. Few individuals will work very well to achieve something when they perceive that failure is preordained.
Objectives should not be cast in concrete, since they are based on a guess about the future.
When managers organize, they analyze the activities and the decisions that are needed to meet the objectives. They develop a step-by-step plan and put it in writing so that everyone connected with the endeavour can refer to it.
The plan must tell when each step is to be done and who is responsible for doing it. They then classify the work and divide it into manageable jobs. According to the requirements of those jobs, they select individuals whose experiences, talents, and abilities match those requirements and assigns them. Then they review the plan with the individuals, answer their objections, and incorporate their suggestions, when they are appropriate, into the plan. They then make certain that each individual understands the plan and knows what they have to do.
If a manager finds a plan is not working, it should be changed as soon as possible.
None of these theories is believed to apply to all situations all of the time.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs was initially described in
A Theory of Human Motivation
Abraham Maslow - 1943
As humans meet their more basic needs they seek to satisfy successfully higher needs, that occupy a hierarchy, often depicted as a 5 level pyramid. Higher needs only come into focus when lower needs are mostly or completely met. From the basic to higher needs they are:
This theory implies that management motivates by helping staff advance in the above hierarchy.
The Human Side of Enterprise
Douglas McGregor
MIT Sloan School of Management
describes two theories of workplace motivation, Theory X and Theory Y.
References: wikipedia.org, businessballs.com, 12manage.com.
Thus management should remove the barriers that prevent employees from fully actualizing their potential.
created by adding extensive commentaries to the originalMaslow on Management
Abraham H. Maslow
Eupsychian Management.
References: citehr.com, business.com.Theory Z: How American management can Meet the Japanese Challenge'
Dr. William Ouchi
Professor of Management
UCLA, Los Angeles
The name applied to the so-called Japanese management style. It focuses on increasing employee loyalty by providing a job for life, with a strong focus on the well-being of the employee, both on and off the job. Dr. William Ouchi says that theory Z management promotes
Herzberg proposed the Motivation-Hygiene Theory, also known as the Two factor theory (1959) of job satisfaction. According to his theory, people are influenced by two factors:
References: wikipedia.org, netmba.com, businessballs.com, tutor2u.net.
These factors have long-term positive effects on job performance. They are:
Victor Vroom
Business School
Yale School of Management
References: valuebasedmanagement.net, wikipedia.org.
The theory assumes that behaviour results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.
People can be motivated if they believe
The theory is based upon these beliefs:
Apparently multiple studies have shown that while money is a fine motivator for simple physical tasks, it's a negative motivator for work that involves thought. For that, motivating factors are:
Management has a major purpose: to provide for the continuation of business over time, personnel change, and absence. Short term absence should not have an effect, long term absence should not cripple. The test of managers is not what they can do, but what staff can do without them.
Not a sage on a stage, but a guide on the side - Alison King
The objective is to enable each individual to develop their talents and abilities to the fullest so that they can be effective in their work with the organization. Ideally the objective is to achieve excellence within the limits of those talents and abilities and in accord with the individual's wishes.
The challenge is that change usually has to come from within. So management can at best provide an environment that encourages people to develop themselves.
A too common occurrence is the belief that repetition always increases understanding. For example, Dick says something to Jane. Jane replies. It seems to Dick that Jane must not have understood, for if she had, she would surely not had said what she did. So Dick says the same thing again. Meanwhile, Jane is wondering why Dick didn't understand her brilliant retort. So she repeats it, as the only way he wouldn't have understood is if he hadn't heard her. This continues for a while. Frustrations rise. This leads to the need for a reasoned explanation of what one is trying to communicate.
Management is the skill of attaining predetermined objectives with and through the voluntary cooperation and effort of other people.
There are three key words in the above:
From the classic One Minute Manager we're given three fundamentals:
The One Minute Praising works well when you:
The One Minute Reprimand works well when you:
The first half of the reprimand:
The second half of the reprimand:
2011/03: the psychology of goals.