

  • first-boot script that configures various system settings based on admin input. It would also re-generate ssh hostkeys (perhaps just by calling dpkg-reconfigure ssh).
  • script to programatically add a given userid to the various groups that a user must be in (audio, etc)
    • What about setting up /etc/security/group with entries such as:
      login; tty? ;*;Al0000-2400; audio, floppy, cdrom, video
    • Might also need to edit /etc/pam.d/login and uncomment the line:
      #auth       optional
    • All this should be audited carefully. It works on my home machine, but it's well protected. (BenKorvemaker)
  • A daemon that listens on some known port and returns version info of what image the system was built with.
    • tentatively called cscfid, port# 2723
    • need to setup firewall to accept on-campus requests only
  • Use SCSI emulation to talk to the CDRW - this makes things like xcdroast and cdrecord much happier. But will this cause other problems?
  • Is debsums installed? (Useful in detecting compromises, which we should expect to see sooner or later.) If it isn't - install it!
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Topic revision: r17 - 2005-02-08 - MikePatterson
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