We may want to pre-install Flash plugins, but this could cause issues with debian packaging (because the .so/.xpt need to go to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins)
first-boot script that configures various system settings based on admin input. It would also re-generate ssh hostkeys (perhaps just by calling dpkg-reconfigure ssh).
script to programatically add a given userid to the various groups that a user must be in (audio, etc)
What about setting up /etc/security/group with entries such as:
login; tty? ;*;Al0000-2400; audio, floppy, cdrom, video
Might also need to edit /etc/pam.d/login and uncomment the line:
#auth optional pam_group.so
All this should be audited carefully. It works on my home machine, but it's well protected. (BenKorvemaker)
A daemon that listens on some known port and returns version info of what image the system was built with.
tentatively called cscfid, port# 2723
need to setup firewall to accept on-campus requests only
Use SCSI emulation to talk to the CDRW - this makes things like xcdroast and cdrecord much happier. But will this cause other problems?
Is debsums installed? (Useful in detecting compromises, which we should expect to see sooner or later.) If it isn't - install it!
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.