Windows Research Environment

Here we attempt to describe the goals for configuring a PC to run Windows for a research user's machine.


  • Ease of use
    • users should be able to login the first time and use that login for all their work
    • Note: Research users tend to be "Power Users" who will be installing and running arbitrary software, including system services, etc.

  • Unrestricted Windows system access
    • Ability to access all files
    • Ability to install arbitrary software
    • ability to setup system services
    • access to all hardware

  • Ease of printer configuration
    • list of printers, relevant to the user, and clearly described
    • clearly defined process for requesting quota/access to needed printers

  • Must be able to function independant of network / domain availability, at least to have local access to files
    • should be able to run local applications
    • access desktop

  • Save the user from obvious security threats

  • automate updates to OS and standard software

Issues to consider

  • can there be a way for a user to opt-out of software updates, or similar processes
    • eg: may not want latest upgrade to Office, for whatever reason


  • Administrative permission for the grad student / faculty user

-- LawrenceFolland / TrevorGrove - 08 Mar 2006

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Topic revision: r1 - 2006-03-08 - LawrenceFolland
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