Meeting with Marlon, Jack, Daniel, Ray, Alan Bell, and Colin Bell.
- Clarification on Library role: doing this solely to be useful to campus data availability: seeing a need and trying to fill it. They don't have an agenda of their own.
- OFIS currently has 300 records in the 'bibligraph' format that would need splitting.
- Colin says there are auto-splitters within refbase...
- Allan suggests that data could be generated back to a starting-date, eg., 1994; earlier is quite difficult.
- problem of reconciling profs: there are a few standards: Nature, ISI identities. none are in systematic use.
- there will be ongoing reconciling problems, but Alan thinks that is less work than entering records manually.
- most of the work is at the outset, clarifying search terms to get the proper records for each prof.
- action items:
- library will set up a virtual server.
- Colin will set up a fresh refbase install on it. Colin will write up material about how he imagines web-services being implemented. (both in >2 weeks)
- Engr. (and CS?) will provide names / OFIS contribution data for a set of 6(?) profs to compare. Suggestion: include a CS prof, since refbase search requirements will be different?
-- DanielAllen - 21 Jun 2010