DanielAllen - Monday 26 Sep 2005

Step by Step Setting Up New Ubuntu Arch Masters (64/32 bit)

This document assumes familiarity with xhiering process; might want to start with UbuntuXhierHowto

hosts: ubuntu5-x86-64.cscf and ubuntu5-x86-32.cscf

1) system install, with passwordless rsh logins.

2) set up access rights. ie:

# Opteron 64 arch linux machines
ubuntu5-x86-64.cscf     capo    arch=   admin=cscf.cs

This should be added to access-rights on the admin masters for each of (default, admin, and arch) for your machine. For the above example, the admin master for capo is capo; the admin master for itself is cscf.cs, and the admin master for cscf.cs is cscf.cs.

2b) spread this access-rights via xh-dist-recurse xhier from (?)

3) figure out what existing archmaster is most similar / likely to work. then, lie to that machine and say that it's the master for your new archmaster. Temporarily.

Example: debian31 is most similar to ubuntu5-x86-64:

# Opteron 64 arch linux machines
ubuntu5-x86-64.cscf     debian31.cscf

Put that onto debian31, then:

4) xh-first-time process from that machine.

4b) revise arch-specific defines

  • in yourhost:/.software/arch/mfcf-basics/include : config.h  param.h
  • in capo:/.software/share/mfcf-basics/include/mfcf/paths.h

(note: the only place this seems to have been used was:

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE# grep -r IA32 *|less
grep: accounts/Include/accounts: No such file or directory
grep: libmfcf/libmfcf/.cl_class/Makefile: No such file or directory
grep: xhier/Include/xhier: No such file or directory

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE# grep -r DEBIAN *|less
grep: accounts/Include/accounts: No such file or directory
grep: libmfcf/libmfcf/.cl_class/Makefile: No such file or directory
grep: xhier/Include/xhier: No such file or directory
mfcf-basics/Include/mfcf/libc/md5.h:#ifdef C_OS_UNIX_LINUX_DEBIAN

...that is, libc6 in mfcf-basics.)

5) following the general notes from XhierOneZeroOne06Apr2005#ScratchCompile:

#    Install these programs and these libraries:
#       mfcf-basics/arch_param   (don't forget include/mfcf/config.h)
#       mfcf-misc/libcfix
#       mfcf-misc/libuw

# Do these packages next:

  • need to xh-dist2 packages before xh-sdist . for example, the first library:
    • CAPO: xh-dist2 ubuntu5-amd64.cscf mfcf-basics ; xh-sdist -h ubuntu5-amd64.cscf /usr/source/mfcf-basics
    • TARGET: cd /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/mfcf-basics/arch_param ; xh-make all ; xh-make install

  • second library:
    • xh-dist2 ubuntu5-amd64.cscf mfcf-misc ; xh-sdist -h ubuntu5-amd64.cscf /usr/source/mfcf-misc
    • cd /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/mfcf-misc/libcfix ; xh-make ; xh-make install
      • mfcf-misc/libcfix : fails with "can't find rcquota.h"
      • need to build rquota_svc.c first
      • (or, xh-make for entire mfcf-misc, though that will have lots of errors too; but in my case it fixed the rquota failure. This seems an OK heuristic; recompile a number of times and see if the number of errors goes down...)
  • third library:
    • mfcf-misc/libuw compiles without errors.

  • libmfcf and login_dev are strightforward.
  • accounts_dev : fails missing /software/mysql/include. I got this to work by temporarily copying that dir from capo. It's a link to /.software/arch/mysql-4.0/include but none of the contents seem to be architecture-specific. I previously tried installing the mysql package, and compiling it from source, but as it is an 81MB download from capo, I wouldn't recommend that unless temporarily copying that dir directly doesn't work.

  • lpr_dev : fails with:
#error "GCC no longer implements <varargs.h>. Revise your code to use <stdarg.h>."
  • tried changing common.c as described; fails to compile on a number of errors; googled for suggestions;
  • as suggested here tried downloading a vargs.h and setting CFLAGS=-DNO_VARGS via xh-make CFLAGS=-DNOVARGS. Didn't work. Skipping lpr_dev for now; submitted bug report to Fraser.
  • nuwdir_dev is straightforward
  • termcap: fails with errors about conflicting types; beyond my expertise at debugging... Passed it on to Ray, the package maintainer. The bug, which Ray is working on, is actually with a printf-like function in libmfcf.
  • nettools_dev is straightforward.
  • (temporarily skipping over the next commented-out set of six packages: aceclient-2.1uw, cracklib, gnu, gzip, secure-comm, secure-comm_dev)
  • mfcf-basics: is straightforward.
  • mfcf-misc has problems:
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/mfcf-misc/tail'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o main.o main.c
cc  -I../Include    -c -o tail.o tail.c
cc  -L/software/libmfcf/lib main.o tail.o  -lmfcfunix -lmfcf   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make tail </dev/null
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /software/libmfcf/lib/libmfcfunix.a when searching for -lmfcfunix
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../../lib64/libmfcfunix.a when searching for -lmfcfunix
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../libmfcfunix.a when searching for -lmfcfunix
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib64/libmfcfunix.a when searching for -lmfcfunix
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/libmfcfunix.a when searching for -lmfcfunix
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/libmfcfunix.a when searching for -lmfcfunix
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libmfcfunix.a when searching for -lmfcfunix
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmfcfunix

  • mfcf-accounting:
    • first:
      • mkdir /u (or symbolic link for /u to other filesystem; see Ray's doc)
      • create user 'accounts' with uid=51, gid=51, home=/software/accounts/home, shell=/bin/csh accounts:x:51:51:accounts:/software/accounts/home:/bin/csh
      • create group 'accounts' accounts:*:51:accounts,root
    • xh-install mfcf-accounting. package installs with bunches of complaints:
      • says it is installing perl-5.005-vendor
        • special: perl-5.005-vendor Install: This OS does not provide a vendor perl at version 5.005

bash-3.00# xh-dist2 ubuntu5-amd64.cscf mfcf-accounting
xh-dist2 FYI: checking all dependencies.
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "accounts" to "ubuntu5-amd64.cscf":
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output for the "accounts" package being mailed
xh-distribute FYI:   to: xhier_junk_ray@math.uwaterloo.ca
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output of the "accounts" package from "capo" follows:
  updating host ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
    need to install:
         diskquota groups    init_home lastlog   laston    password
         accounts_check         check_passwords        check_rhosts
         currentdisk            disable_user           edit_finger
         edit_forward           edit_group             edit_rhosts
         edit_shell             enable_user            idregistry
         initialize_users       mkmerge                mkpw
         mkquota                mkstudents             mkusers
         nonuser                orphan                 rmusr
         setpasswd              setquota               stripnames
         undelete               xhier_admin_server     xhier_regional_clients
         Deleting                _accounts_backup
         _mkpw                   _mkstudents
         _rmusr                  _setquota
         _undelete               accounts_backup
         accounts_check_region   cron_idreg
         disable_vendor          disabled_shell
         fsuserclean             make_cifs_exports
         make_course_directories mkhomes
         registrar_filter        rmallusr
    special: xh-install: installation of "accounts"
    special: xh-install:   using "/software/accounts/.admin/Install"
    special: xh-install:   failed -- exit status 1
    special: accounts Install: The admin files for the accounts package aren't here yet.

xh-dist2 warning: package "accounts" is not configured
xh-dist2 warning:   for automatic installation, so if it was not
xh-dist2 warning:   already installed, it will not be now.
xh-dist2 warning:   Use "xh-install accounts" on the remote machine.
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "mfcf-accounting" to "ubuntu5-amd64.cscf":
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output for the "mfcf-accounting" package being mailed
xh-distribute FYI:   to: xhier_junk_ray@math.uwaterloo.ca
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output of the "mfcf-accounting" package from "capo" follows:
  updating host ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
    need to remove:
         acct_sponsors annex_convert
    special: xh-check-package-dependencies: The "accounts" package is required
    special: xh-check-package-dependencies:   for the proper operation of this package;

    special: xh-check-package-dependencies:   please complete its installation.

xh-dist2 warning: package "mfcf-accounting" is not configured
xh-dist2 warning:   for automatic installation, so if it was not
xh-dist2 warning:   already installed, it will not be now.
xh-dist2 warning:   Use "xh-install mfcf-accounting" on the remote machine.
xh-dist2 FYI: and batching xh-make-links on the remote machine.

  • building source goes cleanly. Installing: may be a few examples of Works In Progress locks that may need to be attended to (removed?). Also: a few manpages don't exist (xh-install-man: no man page nor source for "./cpuacct.8".) The errors can be ignored?

  • console: first, add user 'console' and add it to group operator : console:x:92:301:console,,,,:/software/console/home:/bin/csh
    • xh-dist2 is fairly clean (a bit of output about things that must be cleaned up)
    • xh-sdist to 'xh-make install' are clean except: xh-install-man: failed to find the `man` command needed to format "/software/console/man/man1/motd.1". - huh?
  • filetools: xh-make:
    • foldfields fails with Work_in_Progress
    • dired has warnings but runs OK
    • scriptfix has warnings but runs OK.
    • most has errors
    • pr has errors

  • games: all three have warnings, but run OK.
  • graveyard: installs cleanly.
  • imake: installs cleanly.
  • jqpublic: first: install user jqpublic: jqpublic:x:96:301:Jayne Q. Public:/software/jqpublic/home:/software/jqpublic/servers/jqsh

Building fails with:

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/jqpublic# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component jqsh
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/jqpublic/jqsh'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o shell.o shell.c
In file included from shell.c:38:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:4:2: error: #error "GCC nolonger implements <varargs.h>."
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:5:2: error: #error "Reviseyour code to use <stdarg.h>."
shell.c:49: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'log'
shell.c: In function 'err':
shell.c:370: error: syntax error before 'va_dcl'
shell.c:394: error: storage class specified for parameter 'globit'
shell.c:394: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
shell.c:394: error: syntax error before 'char'
shell.c:394: error: declaration for parameter 'globit' but no such parameter
shell.c:412: error: 'p' undeclared (first use in this function)
shell.c:412: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
shell.c:412: error: for each function it appears in.)
shell.c:413: warning: 'return' with a value, in function returning void
shell.c:415: error: 'newp' undeclared (first use in this function)
shell.c:456: warning: 'return' with a value, in function returning void
make[1]: *** [shell.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/jqpublic/jqsh'
xh-make-r: Warning: one or more subsidiary xh-make's failed

  • lockfile: has warnings, but runs OK and installs.
  • nuwdir: is straightforward.
  • op-comm: must mkdir -r /.software/share/op-comm/servers ; mkdir /.software/share/op-comm/bin first; then is straightforward.
  • operations: failed to find 'man' command needed to format ... but otherwise runs OK and installs.
  • script: doesn't have a package on capo, but exists as source. It tries to install into /software/script. There appear to be local modifications? ask ray?
  • security:
    • checkpw cannot find -lregexp
    • sdcheck cannot find -lsdiclient
    • sdinfo assumes we've got /software/aceclient-2.1uw/lib/libsdiclient.a installed...
    • warning for suw, but it runs OK.

  • setpw : will require xh-install on target. WIPs for spread_passwd and updategrp needed deleting.
    • submit_password assumes we've got /software/openssl/include/openssl/md5h installed.
    • make_pw_db, updategrp, updatepw, vipw cannot find -lsetpw
    • passwd has errors
    • setpw has errors (see below for Round Two: setpw)

  • shelltools: .timelimit .setid .abbrev had Work_In_Progress.
    • exit_status had errors; all the other programs install OK.
  • tcsh: source doesn't recognize machine type 'x86_64-unknown'. "Check tcsh's `Ported' file for manual configuration instructions."
  • vim-6.1: is straightforward.

  • accounts: password cannot find -lsetpw. Otherwise, straightforward.
  • accounts_client: straightforward.
  • accounts_obselete: findall has same error as termcap, "parameter list with an ellipsis can't match an empty parameter name list declaration". Otherwise, straightforward.
  • accounts_special: straightforward.
  • termcap_progs: straightforward.
  • login: error for last, otherwise straightforward:
xh-make all     # for component last
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/login/last'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o last.o last.c
last.c: In function 'last':
last.c:33: error: 'WTMPX_FILE' undeclared (first use in this function)
last.c:33: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
last.c:33: error: for each function it appears in.)
last.c:43: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
last.c:58: error: 'struct utmp' has no member named 'ut_'
last.c:59: error: syntax error before numeric constant
make[1]: *** [last.o] Error 1
  • ucb-login errors for all three programs:
root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-login# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component login
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-login/login'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o login.o login.c
login.c: In function 'main':
login.c:1033: warning: passing argument 1 of 'ctime' from incompatible pointer type
login.c:1040: warning: passing argument 1 of 'time' from incompatible pointer type
In file included from /usr/include/mfcf/libc/varargs.h:10,
                 from login.c:1583:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:4:2: error: #error "GCC nolonger implements <varargs.h>."
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:5:2: error: #error "Reviseyour code to use <stdarg.h>."
login.c: In function 'errmsg':
login.c:1589: error: syntax error before 'va_dcl'
login.c:1606: error: declaration for parameter 'tty' but no such parameter
login.c:1645: error: 'prompter' undeclared (first use in this function)
login.c:1645: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
login.c:1645: error: for each function it appears in.)
make[1]: *** [login.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-login/login'
xh-make all     # for component rlogind
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-login/rlogind'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o rlogind.o rlogind.c
rlogind.c: In function 'mylogout':
rlogind.c:966: warning: passing argument 1 of 'time' from incompatible pointer type
rlogind.c: In function 'mylogwtmp':
rlogind.c:997: warning: passing argument 1 of 'time' from incompatible pointer type
cc   rlogind.o  -llogin -luw   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make xxrlogind </dev/null
rlogind.o: In function `main':
rlogind.c:(.text+0x5e): undefined reference to `_check_rhosts_file'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [xxrlogind] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-login/rlogind'
xh-make all     # for component rshd
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-login/rshd'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o rshd.o rshd.c
In file included from rshd.c:47:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:4:2: error: #error "GCC nolonger implements <varargs.h>."
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:5:2: error: #error "Reviseyour code to use <stdarg.h>."
rshd.c: In function 'main':
rshd.c:93: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'getpeername' differ in signedness
rshd.c: In function 'doit':
rshd.c:200: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'getsockname' differ in signedness
rshd.c: In function 'senderror':
rshd.c:369: error: syntax error before 'va_dcl'                               
rshd.c:386: error: declaration for parameter 'err' but no such parameter
rshd.c:385: error: declaration for parameter 'cnt' but no such parameter
rshd.c:393: error: 'buf' undeclared (first use in this function)
rshd.c:393: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
rshd.c:393: error: for each function it appears in.)
make[1]: *** [rshd.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-login/rshd'
xh-make-r: Warning: one or more subsidiary xh-make's failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

  • ucb-remote: lots of errors:
root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-remote# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component rcp
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-remote/rcp'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o rcp.o rcp.c
In file included from rcp.c:34:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:4:2: error: #error "GCC nolonger implements <varargs.h>."
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:5:2: error: #error "Reviseyour code to use <stdarg.h>."
rcp.c: In function 'myerror':
rcp.c:922: error: syntax error before 'va_dcl'
rcp.c:925: error: storage class specified for parameter 'len'
rcp.c:925: error: parameter 'len' is initialized
rcp.c:926: error: storage class specified for parameter 'va_list'
rcp.c:926: error: syntax error before 'args'
rcp.c:926: error: declaration for parameter 'va_list' but no such parameter
rcp.c:925: error: declaration for parameter 'len' but no such parameter
rcp.c:963: error: 'host' undeclared (first use in this function)
rcp.c:963: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
rcp.c:963: error: for each function it appears in.)
rcp.c:963: error: 'info' undeclared (first use in this function)
rcp.c:964: error: 'user' undeclared (first use in this function)
rcp.c:973: error: 'defuser' undeclared (first use in this function)
rcp.c:974: error: 'localuser' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[1]: *** [rcp.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-remote/rcp'
xh-make all     # for component rlogin
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-remote/rlogin'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o rlogin.o rlogin.c
In file included from /usr/include/mfcf/libc/varargs.h:10,
                 from rlogin.c:35:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:4:2: error: #error "GCC nolonger implements <varargs.h>."
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:5:2: error: #error "Reviseyour code to use <stdarg.h>."
rlogin.c: In function 'main':
rlogin.c:331: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rlogin.c: In function 'doit':
rlogin.c:361: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rlogin.c:375: warning: 'sigsetmask' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:184)
rlogin.c:375: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rlogin.c:376: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rlogin.c:380: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rlogin.c:411: warning: 'sigsetmask' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:184)
rlogin.c:458: warning: 'sigsetmask' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:184)
rlogin.c: In function 'done':                                             
rlogin.c:483: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rlogin.c:490: warning: 'sigsetmask' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:184)
rlogin.c:490: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rlogin.c: In function 'prf':
rlogin.c:1069: error: syntax error before 'va_dcl'
make[1]: *** [rlogin.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-remote/rlogin'
xh-make all     # for component rsh
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-remote/rsh'
cc  -I../Include -DRLOGIN_PATH=\"/software/ucb-remote/bin/rlogin\"  -DDEBUG=0  -DDO_FORK   -c -o rsh.o rsh.c
rsh.c: In function 'main':
rsh.c:259: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
rsh.c:313: warning: 'sigsetmask' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:184)
cc   rsh.o  -llogin -luw   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make rsh </dev/null
setogm -t -o "root" -g "" -m "4555" rsh
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/ucb-remote/rsh'
xh-make-r: Warning: one or more subsidiary xh-make's failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

  • users: lots of errors:

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component lib-msg
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/lib-msg'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o answerback.o answerback.c
cc  -I../Include    -c -o deliver.o deliver.c
cc  -I../Include    -c -o errtext.o errtext.c
cc  -I../Include    -c -o misc.o misc.c
misc.c:20: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'sprintf'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o savemsg.o savemsg.c
savemsg.c: In function 'savemsg':
savemsg.c:21: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strcpy'
savemsg.c:22: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strcat'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o privilege.o privilege.c
ar  rv  lib-msg.a  answerback.o deliver.o errtext.o misc.o savemsg.o privilege.o
ar: creating lib-msg.a
a - answerback.o
a - deliver.o
a - errtext.o
a - misc.o
a - savemsg.o
a - privilege.o
ranlib  lib-msg.a
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/lib-msg'
xh-make all     # for component mesg
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/mesg'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o mesg.o mesg.c
cc   mesg.o     /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make mesg </dev/null
setogm -t -o "root" -g "" -m "4755" mesg
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/mesg'
xh-make all     # for component msg
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/msg'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o msg.o msg.c
In file included from /usr/include/mfcf/libc/varargs.h:10,
                 from msg.c:16:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:4:2: error: #error "GCC nolonger implements <varargs.h>."
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:5:2: error: #error "Revise
your code to use <stdarg.h>."
msg.c: In function 'main':
msg.c:153: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
msg.c: In function 'errmsg':
msg.c:312: error: syntax error before 'va_dcl'
msg.c:353: error: syntax error before 'if'
msg.c:370: error: declaration for parameter 'size' but no such parameter
msg.c:351: error: declaration for parameter 'c' but no such parameter
msg.c:378: error: 'buf' undeclared (first use in this function)
msg.c:378: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
msg.c:378: error: for each function it appears in.)
make[1]: *** [msg.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/msg'
xh-make all     # for component msgd
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/msgd'
cc  -I../Include -DINETD   -c -o msgd.o msgd.c
In file included from /usr/include/mfcf/libc/varargs.h:10,
                 from msgd.c:19:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:4:2: error: #error "GCC nolonger implements <varargs.h>."
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/include/varargs.h:5:2: error: #error "Reviseyour code to use <stdarg.h>."
msgd.c: In function 'doerror':
msgd.c:137: error: syntax error before 'va_list'
msgd.c:155: warning: passing argument 3 of 'vsprintf' makes pointer from integerwithout a cast
msgd.c: In function 'errprintf':
msgd.c:164: error: syntax error before 'va_dcl'
make[1]: *** [msgd.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/msgd'
xh-make all     # for component users
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/users'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o users.o users.c
cc   users.o     /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make users </dev/null
setogm -t -o "" -g "" -m "555" users
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/users'
xh-make all     # for component uwho
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/uwho'
cc  -I../Include  -DUWHO_DIR=\"/software/users/data/uwho\" -DDEF_HOST=\"uwdir.uwaterloo.ca\" -DDEF_HOST_PROTOCOL=uwho_PROTO_PH   -c -o main.o main.c
main.c: In function 'main':
main.c:617: warning: return type of 'main' is not 'int'
cc  -I../Include  -DUWHO_DIR=\"/software/users/data/uwho\" -DDEF_HOST=\"uwdir.uwaterloo.ca\" -DDEF_HOST_PROTOCOL=uwho_PROTO_PH   -c -o mystring.o mystring.c
cc  -I../Include  -DUWHO_DIR=\"/software/users/data/uwho\" -DDEF_HOST=\"uwdir.uwaterloo.ca\" -DDEF_HOST_PROTOCOL=uwho_PROTO_PH   -c -o uwho.o uwho.c
cc   main.o mystring.o uwho.o     /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make uwho </dev/null
uwho.o: In function `uwho_getfilename':
uwho.c:(.text+0x103): warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
setogm -t -o "" -g "" -m "555" uwho
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/users/uwho'
xh-make-r: Warning: one or more subsidiary xh-make's failed           
make: *** [all] Error 2

Round Two: setpw

(March 13 2006 onward; as from ST # 49493)

Dave asked me (Daniel) to try compiling setpw for the new arch. It's getting hung up on openssl. Notes on this on ubuntu5-amd64:

# cd /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw
# cat spread_passwd/Work_In_Progress
rbutterworth    Thu Jun 19 16:10:30 EDT 2003
# rm spread_passwd/Work_In_Progress
# rm updategrp/Work_In_Progress

# script /root/xh-make-setpw

# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component libsetpw
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/libsetpw'
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o isokshell.o isokshell.c
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o cleanup.o cleanup.c
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o copy.o copy.c
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o errlst.o errlst.c
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o replacefile.o replacefile.c
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o get_remote_server.o get_remote_server.c
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o setpw_on_server.o setpw_on_server.c
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o submit_password.o submit_password.c
In file included from submit_password.c:17:
/usr/include/mfcf/libc/md5.h:21:51: error: /software/openssl/include/openssl/md5.h: No such file or directory

Where's openssl's includes from?

- capo: /software/openssl-0.9.7/include -> /.software/arch/openssl-0.9.7/include
- ubuntu5-amd64: xh-make / install fails due to test failures.

- openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a : INSTALL file says: ./config; make; make test; install.

#make test
#make install

That installs a batch of programs, but not the includes. Takes a long time, too (the tests are computationally intensive).

Tried xh-make. It succeeded, but didn't copy the includes. Odd. (It seems to only have installed a few pieces for all of that work:)

# xh-make install
making all in crypto...
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a
making all in crypto/objects...
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a/
making all in crypto/md2...
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.


make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a/
installing man1/CA.pl.1
installing man1/asn1parse.1
installing man1/ca.1
installing man1/ciphers.1
installing man5/config.5
installing man1/crl.1
installing man1/crl2pkcs7.1
installing man1/dgst.1
md5.1 => dgst.1
md4.1 => dgst.1
md2.1 => dgst.1
sha1.1 => dgst.1
sha.1 => dgst.1
mdc2.1 => dgst.1
ripemd160.1 => dgst.1
installing man1/dhparam.1
installing man1/dsa.1

[...lots more manpages...]


make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a
installing openssl
installing CA.sh
installing CA.pl


making install in tools...
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a/
installing libcrypto.a
installing libssl.a
cp libcrypto.pc /usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig
chmod 644 /usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig/libcrypto.pc
cp libssl.pc /usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig
chmod 644 /usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig/libssl.pc
cp openssl.pc /usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig
chmod 644 /usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig/openssl.pc

Since I need the includes, manually copied /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/openssl-0.9.8/openssl-0.9.8a/include/openssl to /software/openssl-0.9.8/include

Reran xh-make for setpw.

xh-make all     # for component passwd
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/passwd'
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o passwd.o passwd.c
passwd.c:22:37: error: secure-comm/secure-comm.h: No such file or directory
passwd.c: In function 'main':
passwd.c:300: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
make[1]: *** [passwd.o] Error 1

xh-make all     # for component setpw
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/setpw'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o setpw.o setpw.c
setpw.c:30:37: error: secure-comm/secure-comm.h: No such file or directory
setpw.c: In function 'main':
setpw.c:139: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'getpeername' differ in signedness
setpw.c:203: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
make[1]: *** [setpw.o] Error 1

That's progress. Checking against capo, looks like ubuntu5-amd64 is missing secure-comm package. Oh, and secure-comm_dev I suppose.

capo# xh-dist2 ubuntu5-amd64.cscf secure-comm_dev
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "secure-comm_dev" to "ubuntu5-amd64.cscf":
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output for the "secure-comm_dev" package being mailed
xh-distribute FYI:   to: unmaintained@capo.uwaterloo.ca
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output of the "secure-comm_dev" package from "capo" follows:
  updating host ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
    need to install:
         libcrypto.so   libsecure-comm libsecure-comm.a
         lost+found               secure-comm_dev_checkSSL
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: The /software/openssl/lib/libcrypto.a does not exist. You should install it
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: in order for this package to be functional. I could use
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: xh-recommend but that would require I know what
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: version should be installed which could be change.
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: I will however try to see if there isan alternative...
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: It appears that alternative /software/ssleay/lib/libcrypto.a is not installed either.
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: The xhier target /software/cracklib/lib/libcrack.a is not installed. Please install it.
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: The target /software/gnu/lib/libmp.a is not installed. Please do so.
xh-dist2 FYI: and batching xh-make-links on the remote machine.

Aha. libcrypto.a was built and installed in /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a . Copying that to /software/openssl/lib . While I'm there, copying pkgconfig/ and libssl.a (which are in /software/openssl/lib on capo).

# cp /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a /software/openssl/lib/
# cp /usr/local/ssl/lib/libssl.a/software/openssl/lib/
# cp -r /usr/local/ssl/lib/pkgconfig /software/openssl/lib/


# xh-dist2 ubuntu5-amd64.cscf secure-comm_dev
xh-dist2 FYI: checking all dependencies.
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "secure-comm_dev" to "ubuntu5-amd64.cscf":
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output for the "secure-comm_dev" package being mailed
xh-distribute FYI:   to: unmaintained@capo.uwaterloo.ca
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output of the "secure-comm_dev" package from "capo" follows:
  updating host ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
    /.software/arch/secure-comm_dev/./lib/libsecure-comm: Warning: remote mode 02755 != local mode 0755

    need to install:
         lost+found               secure-comm_dev_checkSSL
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: setting /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm/des.a
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: The xhier target /software/cracklib/lib/libcrack.a is not installed. Please install it.
    special: secure-comm_dev Install FYI: The target /software/gnu/lib/libmp.a is not installed. Please do so.
xh-dist2 FYI: and batching xh-make-links on the remote machine.

bash-3.00# xh-dist2 ubuntu5-amd64.cscf cracklib
xh-dist2 FYI: checking all dependencies.
xh-dist2 warning: "cracklib" is an alias for "cracklib-2.5",
xh-dist2 warning:   so that is what will be distributed.
xh-dist2 FYI: using "xh-alter-requests -a cracklib-2.5" on host "ubuntu5-amd64.cscf".
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "cracklib-2.5" to "ubuntu5-amd64.cscf":
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output for the "cracklib-2.5" package being mailed
xh-distribute FYI:   to: unmaintained@capo.uwaterloo.ca
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output of the "cracklib-2.5" package from "capo" follows:
  updating host ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
    need to install:
    special: xh-assert-version FYI: "cracklib-2.5" is now the current version of "cracklib".

xh-dist2 FYI: and batching xh-make-links on the remote machine.

bash-3.00# xh-sdist -h ubuntu5-amd64.cscf /usr/source/cracklib-2.5
>>>>> Distributing /usr/source/cracklib-2.5
xh-sdist FYI: Latest entry in the source distribution log file:
gxshen     Tue Mar 14 14:19:25 EST 2006  /usr/source/cracklib-2.5/. being builtby xh-sdist on hosts sun510
updating host ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
installing: /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/.
installing: /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/./pwcheck

building cracklib on ubuntu-amd64...

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component cracklib
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/cracklib'
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r  -w all
xh-make -w all     # for component cracklib
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/cracklib/cracklib'
cc -O -I../cracklib -DIN_CRACKLIB    -c -o fascist.o fascist.c
fascist.c: In function 'GTry':
fascist.c:182: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strlen'
fascist.c: In function 'FascistGecos':
fascist.c:265: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strcpy'
rules.c:665: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strchr'
cc -O -I../cracklib -DIN_CRACKLIB    -c -o stringlib.o stringlib.c
stringlib.c: In function 'Clone':
stringlib.c:50: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function'malloc'
stringlib.c:50: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function'strlen'
stringlib.c:53: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function'strcpy'
cc -O -I../cracklib -DIN_CRACKLIB    -c -o print_rules.o print_rules.c
ar rv libcrack.a fascist.o packlib.o rules.o stringlib.o print_rules.o
ar: creating libcrack.a
a - fascist.o
a - packlib.o
a - rules.o
a - stringlib.o
a - print_rules.o
ranlib libcrack.a
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/cracklib/cracklib'
xh-make -w all     # for component util
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/cracklib/util'
cc -O -I../cracklib '-DCRACKLIB_DICTPATH=""'   -c -o packer.o packer.c
cc -O -I../cracklib '-DCRACKLIB_DICTPATH=""' -o packer packer.o ../cracklib/libcrack.a

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/pwcheck'
cc  -I../Include '-DCRACKLIB_DICTPATH="/software/cracklib-2.5/data/pw_dict"'   -c -o pwcheck.o pwcheck.c
pwcheck.c:18:37: error: secure-comm/secure-comm.h: No such file or directory
pwcheck.c:19:31: error: cracklib/cracklib.h: No such file or directory
pwcheck.c: In function 'sigint_handler':
pwcheck.c:44: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
pwcheck.c: In function 'main':
pwcheck.c:94: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
pwcheck.c:105: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'

make[1]: *** [pwcheck.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/cracklib-2.5/pwcheck'
xh-make-r: Warning: one or more subsidiary xh-make's failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

# ls -l cracklib/cracklib/libcrack.a
-rw-r--r--  1 root none 48436 Mar 16 12:49 cracklib/cracklib/libcrack.a

Good enough. Don't need all of it, just libcrack.a, which compiled.

# ls -l cracklib/cracklib/libcrack.a
-rw-r--r--  1 root none 48436 Mar 16 12:49 cracklib/cracklib/libcrack.a
# cp cracklib/cracklib/libcrack.a /software/cracklib/lib

Attempted to build secure-com_dev:

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/secure-comm_dev# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component libsecure-comm
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/secure-comm_dev/libsecure-comm'
cc -O -I../Include -DOPENSSL_ENABLE_OLD_DES_SUPPORT -I/software/gnu/include/gnu-I/software/openssl/include/openssl -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o secure-comm.o secure-comm.c
In file included from secure-comm.c:65:
/software/gnu/include/gnu/mp.h:72: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'pow'
secure-comm.c:67:37: error: secure-comm/secure-comm.h: No such file or directory
secure-comm.c: In function 'getseed':
secure-comm.c:168: error: 'sc_int32' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:168: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
secure-comm.c:168: error: for each function it appears in.)
secure-comm.c:168: error: syntax error before 'rseed'
secure-comm.c: In function 'setup_keys':
secure-comm.c:294: error: 'sc_int32' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:294: error: syntax error before 'insize'
secure-comm.c:312: error: 'insize' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:312: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
secure-comm.c:319: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
secure-comm.c: At top level:
secure-comm.c:350: error: syntax error before 'size'
secure-comm.c: In function 'setup_buffer':
secure-comm.c:353: error: 'size' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c: At top level:
secure-comm.c:383: error: syntax error before 'write_xdata'
secure-comm.c:383: error: syntax error before 'sc_int32'
secure-comm.c: In function 'write_xdata':
secure-comm.c:385: error: 'sc_int32' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:385: error: syntax error before 'cur_size'
secure-comm.c:389: error: 'size' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:391: error: 'cur_size' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:395: error: 'netint' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:396: error: 'sock' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:396: error: syntax error before 'sizeof'
secure-comm.c:405: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:410: error: syntax error before numeric constant
secure-comm.c: At top level:
secure-comm.c:431: error: syntax error before 'sc_int32'
secure-comm.c: In function 'read_xdata':
secure-comm.c:434: error: 'sc_int32' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:434: error: syntax error before 'cur_size'
secure-comm.c:439: error: 'sock' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:439: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
secure-comm.c:440: error: 'netint' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:441: error: 'incoming' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:447: error: 'cur_size' undeclared (first use in this function)
secure-comm.c:447: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
secure-comm.c:456: error: 'size' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[1]: *** [secure-comm.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/secure-comm_dev/libsecure-comm'
xh-make-r: Warning: one or more subsidiary xh-make's failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

None of that source includes secure-com.h. But that doesn't seem to be installed from secure-com package either (on capo). Hm.

capo# ffind secure-comm/secure-comm.h

Where does that come from?

capo# head /.software/share/secure-comm_dev/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h
#if 0
 * $Header: /software/twiki-20040904/installation/data/CF/SettingUpNewUbuntuArches.txt,v 1.20 2012/09/06 15:50:43 wcwince Exp twiki $


#include <mfcf/config.h>

capo# ls -l /.software/share/secure-comm_dev/
total 14
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     none         512 Oct 27  2003 export
drwxr-sr-x   3 root     none         512 Oct 24  2003 include
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     none          35 May 13  2002 lib -> /.software/arch/secure-comm_dev/lib
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     none          43 Nov 10  2003 maintenance -> /.software/arch/secure-comm_dev/maintenance
drwxr-sr-x   4 root     none         512 May 13  2002 man
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     none          39 Oct 27  2003 servers -> /.software/arch/secure-comm_dev/servers
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     none          38 Nov 10  2003 spool -> /.software/spool/secure-comm_dev/spool

Going to cheat and copy include to ubuntu5-amd64. capo# scp -r include/secure-comm ubuntu5-amd64.cscf:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/Include

That helped.

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component libsetpw
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/libsetpw'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/libsetpw'
xh-make all     # for component make_pw_db
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/make_pw_db'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/make_pw_db'
xh-make all     # for component mergepw
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/mergepw'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/mergepw'
xh-make all     # for component passwd
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/passwd'
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o passwd.o passwd.c
In file included from passwd.c:22:
../Include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h:14:31: error: cracklib/cracklib.h: No suchfile or directory
passwd.c: In function 'main':
passwd.c:300: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
make[1]: *** [passwd.o] Error 1

Copying over cracklib/cracklib.h as well... # cp -r /software/cracklib/include/cracklib Include

Now we seem to need secure-comm libs:

make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/passwd'
cc  -I../Include -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o passwd.o passwd.c
passwd.c: In function 'main':
passwd.c:300: warning: 'sigblock' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/signal.h:181)
cc  -L/software/openssl/lib -L../libsetpw passwd.o  -lsetpw -lsecure-comm -lsecure-comm/des -lsecure-comm/mp -luw -lregexp   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make passwd </dev/null
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsecure-comm
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [passwd] Error 1

xh-make all     # for component setpw
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/setpw'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o setpw.o setpw.c
setpw.c: In function 'main':
setpw.c:139: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'getpeername' differ in signedness
cc  -L../libsetpw setpw.o  -lsetpw -lsecure-comm -lsecure-comm/des -lsecure-comm/mp -luw   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make setpw </dev/null
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsecure-comm
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [setpw] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/setpw'

back to building secure-comm_dev.

# cp -r /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/secure-comm_dev/libsecure-comm/include/secure-comm /software/openssl/include/
# cp -r /software/cracklib/include/cracklib /software/openssl/include

# xh-make
cc -O -I../Include -DOPENSSL_ENABLE_OLD_DES_SUPPORT -I/software/gnu/include/gnu-I/software/openssl/include/openssl -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o secure-comm.o secure-comm.c
In file included from secure-comm.c:65:
/software/gnu/include/gnu/mp.h:72: warning: conflicting types for built-in function 'pow'
cc -O -I../Include -DOPENSSL_ENABLE_OLD_DES_SUPPORT -I/software/gnu/include/gnu-I/software/openssl/include/openssl -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o netread.o netread.c
cc -O -I../Include -DOPENSSL_ENABLE_OLD_DES_SUPPORT -I/software/gnu/include/gnu-I/software/openssl/include/openssl -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o netwrite.o netwrite.c
cc -O -I../Include -DOPENSSL_ENABLE_OLD_DES_SUPPORT -I/software/gnu/include/gnu-I/software/openssl/include/openssl -I/software/openssl/include   -c -o rpwcheck.o rpwcheck.c
rm -f libsecure-comm.a \
&& ar cru libsecure-comm.a secure-comm.o netread.o netwrite.o rpwcheck.o
ranlib libsecure-comm.a

# xh-make install
wipcheck -w
bury -p -e /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a
xh-install-file -c ./libsecure-comm.a  /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a
setogm -t -o "" -g "" -m "u+w" /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a
xh-strip /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a
setogm -t -o "" -g "" -m "" /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a

And building setpw:

# cd /usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/setpw
# xh-make
cc  -L../libsetpw setpw.o  -lsetpw -lsecure-comm -lsecure-comm/des -lsecure-comm/mp -luw   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make setpw </dev/null
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsecure-comm
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [setpw] Error 1

I can force these too:

# ln -s /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a /usr/lib/libsecure-comm.a
# ln -s /software/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm /usr/lib/libsecure-comm

...but there is no secure-comm/mp either here or in source?

# touch /usr/lib/libsecure-comm/mp.a

# xh-make
cc  -L/software/openssl/lib -L../libsetpw passwd.o  -lsetpw -lsecure-comm -lsecure-comm/des -lsecure-comm/mp -luw -lregexp   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make passwd </dev/null
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../../lib64/libregexp.a when searching for -lregexp
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../libregexp.a when searching for -lregexp
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/../lib64/libregexp.a when searchingfor -lregexp
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/bin/../lib/libregexp.a when searching for -lregexp
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/libregexp.a when searching for -lregexp
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libregexp.a when searching for -lregexp
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lregexp

Where's libregexp?

# ls -l /usr/lib/libregexp.a
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 43 Mar 11 13:26 /usr/lib/libregexp.a -> /.software/arch/pattern_dev/lib/libregexp.a
root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/passwd# ls -la /.software/arch/pattern_dev/lib/libregexp.a
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 11644 Oct  7  2004 /.software/arch/pattern_dev/lib/libregexp.a

So... recompile pattern_dev. Which went cleanly. recompiling setpw:

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/setpw# xh-make
cc  -L../libsetpw setpw.o  -lsetpw -lsecure-comm -lsecure-comm/des -lsecure-comm/mp -luw   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make setpw </dev/null
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../../lib64/libsecure-comm.a(secure-comm.o): In function `extractdeskey':
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `itom'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x23): undefined reference to `itom'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x34): undefined reference to `madd'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x4e): undefined reference to `sdiv'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x70): undefined reference to `sdiv'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x87): undefined reference to `mfree'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x8f): undefined reference to `mfree'
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../../lib64/libsecure-comm.a(secure-comm.o): In function `common_key':
secure-comm.c:(.text+0xca): undefined reference to `xtom'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0xd5): undefined reference to `xtom'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0xe0): undefined reference to `xtom'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0xed): undefined reference to `itom'
I'm guessing this has to do with my mp.a fudge.

Ah, that came from /software/gnu, as I should've realized from prior instructions above:

capo# ffind /mp.a
capo# ls -la /fsys2/.software/arch/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm/mp.a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     none          25 May 14  2002 /fsys2/.software/arch/secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm/mp.a -> /software/gnu/lib/libmp.a

capo# xh-dist2 ubuntu5-amd64.cscf gnu
xh-dist2 FYI: checking all dependencies.
xh-dist2 FYI: ======== distributing "gnu" to "ubuntu5-amd64.cscf":
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output for the "gnu" package being mailed
xh-distribute FYI:   to: javoskam@capo.uwaterloo.ca
xh-distribute FYI: rdist output of the "gnu" package from "capo" follows:
  updating host ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
    Not considered, remote copy is not a regular file:
    need to install:
         aid         awk         basename    bc          cat
         chroot      cksum       cmp         comm        cpio
         csplit      cut         date        dc          defid
         diff        diff3       dirname     echo        ed
         egrep       eid         env         expand      expr
         factor      false       fgrep       fid         fmt
         fnid        fold        gasp        gawk        gawk-3.0.4
         gawk-3.1.3  gid         grep        groups      head
         hostid      hostname    id          igawk       indent
         join        lid         logname     mail-files  mailshar
         mc          mcserv      md5sum      mkid        mt
         nice        nl          nohup       od          paste
         pathchk     pgawk       pgawk-3.1.3 pinky       pr
         printenv    printf      ptx         pwd         recode
         red         remsync     sdiff       sed         seq
         shar        sleep       sort        split       stty
         su          sum         tac         tail        tee
         test        tr          true        tsort       tty
         uname       unexpand    uniq        unshar      uptime
         users       uudecode    uuencode    wc          wdiff
         who         whoami      xtokid      yes
         charset.alias   libgdbm.a       libgmp.a        libgmp.la
         libgmp.so       libgmp.so.3     libgmp.so.3.0.1 libmp.a
         libmp.la        libmp.so        libmp.so.3      libmp.so.3.0.0
         locale          locate          mc
         bfd.mo      binutils.mo gawk.mo     gprof.mo    ld.mo
         gawk.mo grep.mo make.mo opcodes.mo
         el/LC_MESSAGES/grep.mo eo/LC_MESSAGES/grep.mo
         bfd.mo      binutils.mo gas.mo      gawk.mo     gprof.mo
         grep.mo     ld.mo       make.mo     opcodes.mo
         bfd.mo      binutils.mo gas.mo      gawk.mo     gprof.mo
         grep.mo     ld.mo       make.mo     opcodes.mo
         gprof.mo grep.mo  opcodes.mo
         bfd.mo      binutils.mo grep.mo     make.mo
         gawk.mo  gprof.mo grep.mo  make.mo  opcodes.mo
         bfd.mo      binutils.mo gawk.mo     gprof.mo    grep.mo
         ld.mo       opcodes.mo
         bfd.mo      binutils.mo gas.mo      gawk.mo     gprof.mo
         ld.mo       opcodes.mo
    need to remove:
         be                             ca/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         da/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    de/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         el/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    eo/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         es/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    et/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         fi                             fr/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         ga                             gl
         hr/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    hu
         id/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    it/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         ja/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    ko/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         lg                             ms
         nl/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    pl/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         pt                             pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         ro/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    ru/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         rw                             sk
         sl/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    sr
         sv/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo    tr/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
         vi                             zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/findutils.mo
xh-dist2 FYI: and batching xh-make-links on the remote machine.

capo# xh-sdist -h ubuntu5-amd64.cscf /usr/source/gnu

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/gnu/gmp-3.0.1# xh-make
./configure --enable-mpbsd  --prefix=/software/gnu
loading cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... Invalid configuration `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu': machine `x86_64-unknown' not recognized
make: *** [Makefile] Error 1

That's frustrating. Via trial and error, determined that ./configure --host=pentium-linux-gnu would create a good config.cache.

However, to do the xh-make thing, needed ./configure --host=pentium-linux-gnu --enable-mpbsd  --prefix=/software/gnu

So I did that manually. configure worked; but xh-maked died:


inter tmp-add_n.s  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/add_n.lo
tmp-add_n.s: Assembler messages:
tmp-add_n.s:9: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:10: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:11: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:12: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:27: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:44: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:45: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:46: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:47: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:62: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push'
tmp-add_n.s:109: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
tmp-add_n.s:132: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
tmp-add_n.s:133: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
tmp-add_n.s:134: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
tmp-add_n.s:135: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `pop'
make[3]: *** [add_n.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/gnu/gmp-3.0.1/mpn'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/gnu/gmp-3.0.1'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/gnu/gmp-3.0.1'
make: *** [all] Error 2

my guess from googling is the error is due to 64bit vs 32bit assembly problems. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-help/2005-08/msg00047.html

So.... try vendor's mp.a?

# apt-get install libgmp3-dev
This is a wrapper script which is xhier aware...
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
  libgmp3c2 libgmpxx3
Suggested packages:
  libgmp3-doc libmpfr-dev
Recommended packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libgmp3-dev libgmp3c2 libgmpxx3

# dpkg -L libgmp3-dev

# ln -s /usr/lib/libmp.a /software/gnu/lib/libmp.a

However, this isn't the problem. I still get the exact same errors from compiling setpw:

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/setpw/setpw# xh-make
cc  -L../libsetpw setpw.o  -lsetpw -lsecure-comm -lsecure-comm/des -lsecure-comm/mp -luw   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make setpw </dev/null
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.2/../../../../lib64/libsecure-comm.a(secure-comm.o): In function `extractdeskey':
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `itom'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x23): undefined reference to `itom'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x34): undefined reference to `madd'
secure-comm.c:(.text+0x4e): undefined reference to `sdiv'

This problem was because I never replaced secure-comm mp.a

# ln -s /usr/lib/libmp.a /software/secure-com_dev/lib/libmp.a

now setpw compiles and installs cleanly!

...note from talking with dave: need to build accounts_obsolete...

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete# xh-make
: make ; usepath u=s current xhier -- xh-make-r   all
xh-make all     # for component _setquota
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/_setquota'
stripcomments -o _setquota _setquota.csh
setogm -t -o "" -g "" -m "555" _setquota
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/_setquota'
xh-make all     # for component findall
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/findall'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o findall.o findall.c
findall.c: In function 'main':
findall.c:93: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
findall.c:104: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
findall.c:112: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
findall.c: In function 'find':
findall.c:430: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
findall.c: At top level:
findall.c:448: error: conflicting types for 'error'
findall.c:448: note: a parameter list with an ellipsis can't match an empty parameter name list declaration
findall.c:165: error: previous implicit declaration of 'error' was here
make[1]: *** [findall.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/findall'
xh-make all     # for component mkstuds
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/mkstuds'
stripcomments -o mkstuds mkstuds.sh
setogm -t -o "" -g "" -m "555" mkstuds
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/mkstuds'
xh-make all     # for component setquota
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/setquota'
cc  -I../Include    -c -o setquota.o setquota.c
cc   setquota.o  -luw   /software/mfcf-misc/lib/libcfix.a -o .tempfile-for-xh-make &&  mv  .tempfile-for-xh-make setquota </dev/null
setogm -t -o "root" -g "accounts" -m "4554" setquota
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/accounts_obsolete/setquota'
xh-make-r: Warning: one or more subsidiary xh-make's failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Dave and Adrian think we don't need mfcf_accounting (at this point), so this is the last step. Essentially we're ready for end-user testing.

xh-local-maintenance cleanup

lots of packages are whining. They should be cleaned up and some might need to be removed.

root@ubuntu5-amd64:/usr/source/TEMP-CACHE/bash-3.0# xh-local-maintenance
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "aceclient-2.1uw"
  aceclient-2.1uw Install FYI: SecurID service has not been initialized on thishost
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "bash-3.0"
  xh-ln: Warning: creating new symlink
  xh-ln:  "/xhbin/bash"
  xh-ln:  containing "../.software/arch/bash-3.0/bin/bash"
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "cyrus-sasl-2.1"
  ls: /software/cyrus-sasl-2.1/lib/sasl2/.: No such file or directory
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "ffind"
  BuildDbase on
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "lpr"
  /software/xhier/maintenance/xh-options: error opening option file '/software/lpr/config/arch/config.d': No such file or directory
  /software/xhier/maintenance/xh-options: error opening option file '/software/lpr/config/arch/config.d': No such file or directory
  lpr Install: Required group 'deamon' for user 'root' does not exist.
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "md"
  cp: input open(/software/FileCSBenchMark-1/data/arch/exception.list): No suchfile or directory
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "mysql-4.0"
  xh-check-package-dependencies: The "gcc-3.2.1_runtime" package is required
  xh-check-package-dependencies:   for the proper operation of this package;
  xh-check-package-dependencies:   please install it.
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "os-extras"
  ninf: Undefined variable.
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "pcfileviewer-1.0"
  xh-ln: Will not make "/usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/PCFileViewer.sdl"
  xh-ln:  a symlink to a non-existent path
  xh-ln:  "/software/pcfileviewer-1.0/data/help/PCFileViewer.sdl".
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "perl-5.005-vendor"
  perl-5.005-vendor Install: This OS does not provide a vendor perl at version 5.005
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "printconf-1"
  /software/printconf-1/servers/printconf: Command not found.
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "ssh-openssh-3.7.1"
  Usage: xh-ln [-a] [-d] [-n] [-r] [-R] [-q] [-v] [-s] <replacement-path> <original-path>
  decomment: can't open "/software/ssh-openssh-3.7.1/data/local/sshd_config" for reading: No such file or directory
  Missing group entry for group "sshd".
  Missing group entry for group "sshd".
  Userid "sshd" has home "/var/run/sshd" instead of "/software/ssh-openssh/home/sshd"
  /software/ssh-openssh-3.7.1/maintenance/restart-sshd: Command not found.
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "ssh-openssh-3.8"
  Usage: xh-ln [-a] [-d] [-n] [-r] [-R] [-q] [-v] [-s] <replacement-path> <original-path>
  ssh-openssh-3.8 Install FYI: setting up default sshd config file
  cp: input open(/software/ssh-openssh-3.8/data/arch/sshd_config): No such fileor directory
  decomment: can't open "/software/ssh-openssh-3.8/data/local/sshd_config" for reading: No such file or directory
  Missing group entry for group "sshd".
  Missing group entry for group "sshd".
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "trn-3.6"
  ln: `/software/trn-3.6/bin/rn': File exists
  xh-make-links: package conflicts detected!
        openssl-0.9.8/include/cracklib/cracklib.h  with  cracklib-2.5/include/cracklib/cracklib.h
        openssl-0.9.8/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h  with  secure-comm_dev/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h
        ... resolving to exclude cracklib-2.5/include/cracklib/cracklib.h.
        ... resolving to exclude cracklib-2.5/lib/libcrack.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/cracklib/cracklib.h.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/lib/libssl.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/lib/libcrypto.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/openssl.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "trn-4.0"
  ln: `/software/trn-4.0/bin/rn': File exists
  xh-make-links: package conflicts detected!
        openssl-0.9.8/include/cracklib/cracklib.h  with  cracklib-2.5/include/cracklib/cracklib.h
        openssl-0.9.8/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h  with  secure-comm_dev/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h
        ... resolving to exclude cracklib-2.5/include/cracklib/cracklib.h.
        ... resolving to exclude cracklib-2.5/lib/libcrack.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/cracklib/cracklib.h.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/lib/libssl.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/lib/libcrypto.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/openssl.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-install output for package "vi"
  xh-ln: Will not make "/usr/bin/vi"
  xh-ln:  a symlink to a non-existent path
  xh-ln:  "/software/vi/bin/vi".
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf installed packages that are obsolete,
    and thus should be replaced by newer versions,
    or deleted if there are no replacements:
ubuntu5-amd64.cscf packages not being updated properly:
  The following package(s) appear to be rotting on ubuntu5-amd64.cscf
  You should probably arrange to have them updated
  -rw-r--r--  1 root root 72 Dec  5 11:52 op-comm

ubuntu5-amd64.cscf xh-make-links output:
  xh-make-links: package conflicts detected!
        openssl-0.9.8/include/cracklib/cracklib.h  with  cracklib-2.5/include/cracklib/cracklib.h
        openssl-0.9.8/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h  with  secure-comm_dev/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h
        ... resolving to exclude cracklib-2.5/include/cracklib/cracklib.h.
        ... resolving to exclude cracklib-2.5/lib/libcrack.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/cracklib/cracklib.h.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/lib/libssl.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/lib/libcrypto.a.
        ... resolving to exclude openssl-0.9.8/include/openssl.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/include/secure-comm/secure-comm.h.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.a.
        ... resolving to exclude secure-comm_dev/lib/libsecure-comm.
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Topic revision: r20 - 2012-09-06 - BillInce
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