Previous work is documented in ST#46849.

Current strategy:

  1. Plan an extended downtime (plan for 3 hours, hope 2 will suffice)
  2. Apply patches
    1. 119231- OBP - requires single-user mode and a reboot, so boot -r. Obsoletes 112186 which was recommended.
    2. 111846 - cfgadm - requires a reconfigure after, so another boot -r
    3. after that will want to make sure system still works fine in multi-user mode
    4. 115275, 116970 - mpt, sbdp - both require single-user mode, so yet another boot -r
    5. 109892, 111412, 111413, 111095, 111096, 111097, 111847 - some of these have cross-dependencies on each other. Most require reboots, none require single-user mode. So apply these and then just boot -r.
    6. It also wants me to install SUNWrsc package (no reboot required) for the remote control stuff. Says it's on the Software Supplement CDROM.
  3. If patches alone are insufficient, rebuild the arrays:
    1. boot to single-user if possible
    2. tell system not to swap on d1 or d3
    3. take c1t4d0s* out of its metadevices - manually fail it in d3 and d8
    4. take c1t0d0s0 out of its metadevices (d1) - this swap partition!
    5. clear c1t4d0s* from the metadbs
    6. clear c1t0d0s* from metadbs - this is the master device! Is this a problem?
    7. luxadm to get rid of the devices and reconfigure them
    8. wipe and restore the partition table on c1t4d0 and c1t0d0
    9. add metadbs back
    10. start recreating metadevices, starting with smallest first
      1. d1 - swap (c1t0d0s0 is d12)
      2. d3 - swap (c1t4d0s0 is d31)
      3. d8 - fsys1 (c1t4d0s7 is part of d81 a concat/stripe, along with c1t2d0s7)
      4. d5 - /u3 (c1t4d0s5 is part of d5)

-- MikePatterson - 05 May 2005, 22 Jun 2005

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Topic revision: r3 - 2012-09-06 - BillInce
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