win7vm-Ubuntu-Spring2011 Post Install Steps

Ubuntu Customizations Steps

SSH Keys

  1. ) Change host name by updating /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts
      Regenerate the ssh-keys:
         cd /etc/ssh
         rm *key*
         dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server

User accounts

  1. ) if Not part of the AD see UbuntuLdapScripts
    1. ) Create for system owner System -> Administration -> Users and Groups Highlight -> Advanced Settings -> User Privileges -> Check all
  2. ) smbpasswd -a
    • This will be used if you wish to map you Ubuntu Home in Windows
  3. ) chown -R : /home/vmware
  4. ) Start VMware File Open - browse to /home/vmware/Win7E/Win7E.vmx Start VM - answer the option "I copied the VM" when prompted

Active Directory Setup

  1. ) Notes not finished - see //asimov/coregroup1/images/ubuntu-scripts directory for adsetup command

Windows Customizations Steps

  1. ) Create Windows user Add to Administrators group
  2. ) Login to the new user
  3. ) Personalize - Change Desktop icons - check them all
  4. ) Open Control Panel View by: small icons Regonal and Language Location - Canada
  5. ) Right click on Menu Tool Bar (the bar on the bottom of the window) Properties -> Start Menu -> Customize Check these: Favorites,Network,Recent Items, Run Command
  6. ) Open File Explorer on Menu Tool Bar Organize -> File and Search options -> View -> Advanced Settings Display Full path in title bar Show hidden files,folders, or drives Uncheck Hide empty drives in the Computer Folder Uncheck hide extentions for known file types

Windows Mapping Ubuntu Home Directory and a network drive

  1. ) smbpasswd -a
  2. ) Start Menu -> Run -> \\ Right Click on -> Map Network Drive -> Reconnect
  3. ) NOTE Tell user to save ALL data on his network drive and NOT in the Windows 7 VM!
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Topic revision: r4 - 2011-05-16 - MikeGore
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