Podiums in Undergraduate Lecture Rooms

IST provides a detailed description of each "electronic classroom". It can be handy when determining if there's a projector that supports an HDMI connection.

Analysis of the result of the handy "Room Report" button in that pages show that, as of 2015-05-06, the distribution of VGA and HDMI availability is:

     54 VGA
     54 VGA HDMI
     16 Neither

IST says (2015-05-06) that HDMI to VGA converters are available:

Yes, there are converters that we can set you up with. You'll need to get in contact with Equipment Loans in MC 1063. You can give them a call at x33257 (Dwight) or x33034 (Michael) but they will most likely tell you to come in for a visit to their office at MC 1063. They're open 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday.

For future reference, the summary was produced from the result of

  perl -ne '
    if (/name='\''roomCode'\'' value='\''(\S+)'\''/) {
       $rooms{$room} = [$vga, $hdmi] if defined($room);
       $room = $1;
       $vga  = "";
       $hdmi = "";
    elsif (/\bVGA\b/ ) { $vga  = "VGA"  }
    elsif (/\bHDMI\b/) { $hdmi = "HDMI" }
    END {
      foreach $room (sort keys(%rooms)) {
        my @video = @{$rooms{$room}};
        print "$video[0]\t$video[1]\n";
  ' roomReport.html | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1nr
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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-05-06 - BillInce
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