Research Group machine naming conventions
The CSCF-RSG names machines after science fiction authors, since we tend to read and like that stuff.
Herewith follows a non-canonical list.
Other possible names:
- Adams, Douglas (taken)
- Anthony, Piers
- Asprin, Robert
- Blish, James
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer
- Brunner, John
- Brin, David
- Brunner, John
- Card, Orson Scott
- del Rey, Lester
- Doctorow, Cory
- Ellison, Harlan
- Gibson, William - nope,
is already used
- Leguin, Ursula
- Lucas, George
- Pohl, Frederik
- Pournelle, Jerry
- Robinson, Spider (or Kim Stanley)
- Roddenberry, Gene
- Silverberg, Robert (taken)
- Welles, Orson
- Caiden
- Stapleton
- Bear
- Hubbard
- Shatner (see Lucas)
- Nimoy (see Shatner)
- Garner
- Bujold
- Tucker (taken)
See also this site for Science Fiction Author names
Other "rich" list of names:
-- MikePatterson - 23 Mar 2005, 04 Jul 2006