CSCF Objectives and Milestones Fall 2017
Previous Term: TermGoalsSpring2017
Meeting 2017-08-16
Discussion of potential goals for Fall 2017
- Flash I/O disk devices - Guoxiang evaluate / benchmarking? w/Lori
- Adrian - understanding new production Server
- Deploy the new SQL hardware - install MySQL and PostGres (but not in production) * Moving databases will be in the Winter
- NextCloud - best practices for dealing with encrypted data - Adrian
- Nick - consolidate ISG software that currently exists across course accounts onto * may take into the Winter * Dave has a book on Git for Groups
- Steve - Printing - evaluate new Xerox fleet printers and educate users
- Fraser - spend Thinking Ape funding to replace mobile devices
- Devon - refresh of the second floor labs (needs to roll from Spring) - RT#593725
- Edward - (working with Guoxiang) update (some?) teaching compilers on linux.student.cs
- possible concerns - Peter Buhr and default GCC compiler
- includes gcc, haskell
- need a written request from Ondrej to clarify the needs
- Omar - FileMaker - investigate the purchase of (a lot!) more license(s)?
- users - cs200
- how many licenses do we have now? how many students in the course? how much does it cost?
- Martin will take to Exec to determine whether it will be in this year, or next budget year?
- also being used for Grad database (same license)
- Devon - JAMF - investigate adding the WebStore functionality
- Devon - work on improving temperature monitoring (re-visit plan from three years ago)
- W18: Devon - evaluate High Sierra MacOS for potential Spring deployment in MC Mac Labs
- W18: Steve - investigate Raspberry Pi-based meeting room console - provide a report?
- DFS - further investigation of DFS to replace NetApp (Lori/Guoxiang)
- wear-levelling on SSDs - investigate? w/Guoxiang
- NextCloud - Mark - cs-operations on Nextcloud w/Omar & Lori & Nathan
- NextCloud (vault) - actually go live for all of CS
- EMS - front-line support to be handled by IST/RO
- investigating re-tooling grad database / school system - Lawrence - /RT#672674
- Lori - WatITis talk - DFS (maybe for SCS as well?)
- Daniel - Inventory improvements (DNS)
- rewrite inventory connection to infoblox to use api version 2, which will restore DNS functionality that recently became unreliable, and enable feature improvements. (In scope for F2017: setting DHCP values from inventory; and gathering requirements and starting additional improvements such as handling DNS records other than A-records.)
- Gordon/Lori - auto-shutdown under high temperature conditions
Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management
Plan, purchase, configure, deploy and manage lifecycle of equipment for offices, labs, and server rooms.
- Objective: timely deployment of desktop/laptop equipment to incoming graduate students
- S17 (INF): acquire desktop equipment for incoming F17 students based on graduate enrollment estimates and historical equipment type distribution (Phil - RT#606391
, RT#614198
- S17 (INF/RSG): image, assign, and deploy equipment for incoming F17 students by 31 August, for equipment choice/locations identified by the grad office before 1 August. (Phil - RT#604357
- W17 (INF): desktop equipment prepared for assignment to incoming S17 grads by April 15th, based on March 1 best estimate of requirements (done)
- F16 (INF/RSG): acquire and deploy equipment for incoming W17 grads before the holiday break, for equipment choices/locations identified by the grad office before 2 December (not done - we did not have info from the grad office by 2 December)
- F16 (INF): purchase grad equipment for W17 in mid-October, based on best estimates of requirements available at that time, so that all equipment is here by end of November (done)
- Objective: CSCF-standard equipment configurations and images, updated on an annual cycle
- S17 (INF/RSG/TOP): eliminate use of roaming profiles for staff/grad desktop machines RT#604813
- W17 (INF): new (Fall 2017) Win10/Ubuntu image ready for use on May desktop deployments (done)
- F16 (INF): patch the current (Win10/14.04) image for W17 deployments (done)
- F16 (INF): tentative 2017 hardware configuration (done)
Machine Rooms and Server Infrastructure
Machine rooms and infrastructure for School and research equipment.
- Objective: redundant machine rooms to host CS on-line services
- Objective: rationalize CS networks
- F16 (INF): server vlans routed on server room switches, client vlans routed on building aggregation switches (not done, not a priority for W17)
- Objective: flexible, up-to-date server infrastructure
- S17 (INF) no SCS servers running end-of-life ubuntu 12.04 (Dave, Guoxiang, Fraser, Nathan - ST#108308)
- W17 (INF/TOP) no SCS servers running end-of-life ubuntu 12.04 (not done)
- F16 (TOP/INF) migrate/update fms12.cs from Vmware4 to Vmware5 (done)
- Objective: load balancing and failover for critical CS on-line services
- F16: (INF): deploy redundant load balancing service (done)
Teaching Labs
Management of teaching labs in support of academic programs.
- Objective: usage statistics for all teaching labs
- S17 (TOP/INF): Director-accessible tabular usage data (room, time, count) for all MC labs, with on-going updates and no discard of old data (Devon ST#108777)
- W17 (TOP/INF): Director-accessible tabular usage data (room, time, count) for all MC labs, with on-going updates and no discard of old data (partially done – only for Mac labs)
- Objective: evergreen Lab computing equipment
- S17 (TOP/INF): refresh computers in MC2062 and MC2063 RT#593672
(Dan and Devon)
- S17 (TOP/INF): evergreen MC3003 ST# 108594 (Dan) also: RT#594066
- W17 (INF/TOP): acquire/install new desks in MC3027 (done)
- W17 (INF/TOP) – prepare project plan for evergreening MC3003 in August (done)
- Objective: ensure that lab equipment is functional and secure
- S17 (TOP): configure sound support in graphics lab (Fraser - RT#590835
- W17 (TOP): investigate alternatives to punch key code access to (real time and graphics) labs, to simplify code management (done – don’t need alternative)
- F16 (TOP): docs for external users explaining what’s available in the teaching labs (not done, cancel)
- F16 (TOP): incorporate monitoring systems (Nagios) into Caspar admin interface (done??)
- Objective: simple access to programming contest server from any general purpose lab
- S17 (TOP/INF) evaluate approaches to dual-boot Macs in MC3005 for CEMC-type events, propose one, and implement if agreed (Devon - RT#598960
- F16 (INF): system for providing remote contest server desktops available for use in Mac labs for F16 contests (mostly done, some unresolved issues with Mac xserver hanging)
- Objective: lab for use by CS coursework Mmath students
- S17 (TOP/INF) plan log-in environment for shared-use machines (Mac/Linux/Windows), and implement on Macs and dual-boot machines in the coursework MMath lab (Devon RT#598412
- S17 (TOP) simple, clear help signs in coursework MMath lab (Devon - 598415
- W17 (TOP/INF) update work-sites in DC3335 coursework MMath lab - 1/3 Mac, 1/3 dual-boot PC, 1/3 power/networking only. (done)
- F16: (INF/TOP) plan for refurbish of coursework Mmath lab, and move to new space once identified (new space not known yet)
Meeting Room and Public Space Management
Management of A/V in CS meeting rooms.
- Objective: A/V for grad classrooms and meeting rooms
- S17 (TOP): develop plan for improving A/V in DC2585 (Dan RT#591375
- W17 (TOP/INF): install podium monitor in DC2585 (done)
- W17 (INF/TOP): plan, get approval for, and deploy video upgrade in DC2568 grad classroom (done – problems resolved without upgrade)
- F16 (TOP): plan, get approval for, and deploy video upgrade in DC2568 grad classroom (not done)
- Objective: Manage and maintain SCS public display boards
- F16 (TOP) – plan and obtain approval for third SCS public display, in Great Hall (cancelled)
On-Line Services: Database Management
Backend database services to support other on-line services and School operations.
- Objective: Highly available MySQL cluster to serve non-teaching applications, including ST, inventory.
- W17 (TOP): implement auto-restart for HA-MySQL (done)
- Objective: Highly available Postgres service to support OAT and other CS applications
- S17 (TOP/RSG/INF): migrate remaining apps and databases from postgres.cs, shutdown service, and decommission/repurpose hardware (Daniel, Isaac, Nick - RT#593821
- Objective: DB2 for teaching
- S17 (TOP): upgrade DB2 server from ubuntu12.04
On-Line Services: Linux Computing Environments
Linux computing environment(s) for teaching and for faculty/staff/grad general use.
- Objective: track Ubuntu LTS releases in teaching and general environments
- W17 (INF/TOP): linux.cs and linux.student.cs refer to ubuntu 16.04 servers (done)
On-Line Services: Teaching Systems
Systems for marking, assignment submission, and other teaching-related tasks.
- Objective: manage on-going operation of Seashell service
- Objective: manage and maintain Markus
- W17 (TOP/INF): update assignments.student.cs container to 16.04 (done)
- F16 (TOP): upgrade Markus to version 1.2 (done, upgraded to 1.4)
- F16 (INF/TOP): update assignments.student.cs container (12.04 to 16.04) (deferred to April 2017)
- F16 (INF/TOP): saltify markus and marmoset deployment onto assignment.student.cs (deferred to April 2017)
- Objective: manage and maintain Marmoset
- S17 (TOP): replace or repackage pswatcher for Ubuntu systems (RT#592743) Nick
- F16 (TOP): configuration improvements to Marmoset to improve reliability (progress)
- Objective: ISG server for CS200
- F16 (TOP) decommission and shut down Oscar, old ISG server for CS200 (done)
- Objective: support phones for CS446 and other courses
- W17 (TOP): acquire ThinkingApe-funded phones, and develop plan for managing them beyond W17. (done)
On-Line Services: File Storage
File storage for students, staff, and faculty.
- Objective: highly-available network file service (NetApp) with limited capacity (4GB/undergrad, 20GB/ grad, 50GB/faculty)
- Objective: highly-available, performant, high-capacity file service (DFS) for SCS faculty, staff, grads
- S17 (INF): migrate non-home-directory network mounts to DFS
- S17 (RSG/INF): handover of on-ongoing management of the DFS to the INF group
- W17 (RSG/INF/TOP): Director-accessible downtime records (start time, duration, planned/unplanned,reason) for DFS and FSS services, regularly updated and not discarded (not done: FSS only, data link not accessible)
- W17 (RSG/INF): DFS in production under FSS (done)
- F16 (INF/RSG): DFS in production under FSS (not done, progress)
- Objective: file syncing/sharing (FSS) service for SCS faculty, staff, grads
- S17 (RSG/INF): official launch of FSS service to SCS (Lawrence, Nathan - ST#108871)
- W17 (RSG/INF): soft roll-out of FSS service to SCS (done)
- F16 (INF/RSG): roll-out of FSS service to SCS (not done, progress)
- Objective: reliable Samba service
- F16: (INF): Redundant samba service for both teaching and general environments (done)
On-Line Services: Email
Supplemental e-mail services to support of SCS-specific requirements.
- Objective: SCS mail exchange service supporting local mail scripting and SCS-specific aliases.
- S17 (INF/TOP): review, re-design and re-deploy existing (MX) exchange service, modernizing and avoiding current spam-forwarding problem. (Adrian - RT#103315)
- S17 (INF): review and update existing IMAP service, updating service configuration to use IST’s services where possible
- W17 (INF/TOP): review, re-design and re-deploy existing (MX) exchange service, modernizing and avoiding current spam-forwarding problem. (not done)
- F16 (INF): re-design and re-deploy existing (MX) exchange service, modernizing and avoiding current spam-forwarding problem. (not done)
On-Line Services: WWW
Web presence for SCS and CSCF
- Objective: refresh/upgrade CSCF web presence
- F16 (TOP/RSG) - plan content of revised site (not done)
- F16 (TOP/RSG) - decision about moving CSCF web to WCMS (not done)
- F16 (TOP/RSG) - WCMS training for at least one staff (not done)
- Objective: support CS web presence
- S17 (RSG) – all SCS web-based applications work with new clustered web server (Isaac, Nathan and Daniel)
- S17 (TOP/RSG) – support migration of CS WCMS content from Math to UW, update CS WWW proxy (Daniel, Isaac)
- S17 (INF/RSG) – deploy Ubuntu-16.04 Apache 3-node cluster
- W17 (INF/RSG) – deploy Ubuntu-16.04 Apache 3-node cluster (not done)
- W17 (TOP/RSG) – migration of CS WCMS content from Math to UW (not done – external delay)
- F16 (TOP/RSG) – migration of CS WCMS content from Math to UW (not done)
Teaching/Administrative Services
Custom services in support of teaching and School administration.
- S17 (TOP): deploy Xerox fleet printer in DC2320
Research Services
Custom services in support of research activities.
- Objective: “Paper” cluster – research infrastructure from surplus equipment, operated on a cost-recovery basis.
- Objective: SCS research computing systems and grad/faculty desktops behind UW-mandated firewall
- F16 (RSG): get remaining research nets behind the firewall (done)
SCS Software Projects: Exam Management System (EMS)
System to support exam seating, printing, and marking.
- Objective: migrate support and operational responsibility for EMS to RO and IST
- S17 (RSG): migrate operational instance of EMS to IST server in time for S17 exams
- W17 (RSG): PoC for EMS for other Depts: Accounting & Financial Mgmt, Chemistry, Engineering, Stats, Distance – posted on the Odyssey EMS help page. (not done)
- F16 (RSG): PoC for EMS for other Depts: Accounting & Financial Mgmt, Chemistry, Engineering, Stats, Distance – posted on the Odyssey EMS help page. (not done - there is a page of contacts, but it is not linked and some are confirmed)
- Objective: on-going feature development
- W17 (RSG): revamped EMS UI is live (done)
- F16 (RSG): revamp EMS UI (supervised by Daniel) (not done, progress. Beta is live.)
SCS Software Projects: Grad Visit Day System
System to support annual Grad Visit Day, including scheduling
- Objective: ensure reliable system operation, customization and enhancements
SCS Software Projects: TA Evaluation System
Proposed system to support TA Evaluation workflow for the Grad Office.
- Objective: design, develop, deploy, maintain
- F16 (RSG): solicit feedback on TA evaluation system, propose any Phase 2 changes (Isaac) (not done, not a priority for W17)
SCS Software Project: Teaching Preference System
System to collect faculty teaching preferences.
- Objective: ensure reliable system operation, refine and enhance as needed
SCS Software Projects: OAT
Backend database supporting advising tools, UW Portal, EMS, and other applications.
- Objective: ensure reliable system operation, enhance functionality
- W17(RSG): all raw data inputs made available in the OAT DB for querying (progress, not done – external delays)
SCS Software Projects: OGSAS
System to support graduate admissions workflow.
- Objective: ensure reliable system operation, on-going feature enhancement
- F16 (RSG): solicit feedback, propose new features if needed (not done, not a priority for W17)
- Objective: port OGSAS to OAT backend
CSCF-Internal Systems: Accounts Management
Manage and utilize accounts data for CS students, faculty, and staff
- Objective: exploit OAT database for accounts data
- F16 (INF/RSG): get course enrollment (group) data in Directory Service from OAT DB (not done, some progress)
CSCF-Internal Systems: Inventory
System to track equipment inventory.
- Objective: ensure reliable operation, feature enhancements
- S17 (RSG/INF) inventory-driven tftpboot and salt configuration for server provisioning (RT#609744
Nathan, Justin, Daniel)
CSCF-Internal Systems: Research Subscription System
System to manage research support subscriptions, track time, generate bills
- Objective: ensure reliable operation, feature enhancements
- W17 (RSG): prepare subscription system to support annual billing (not done, required changes not determined)
- F16 (RSG): modify subscription system as necessary for revised billing model (unnecessary)
CSCF-Internal Systems: Request Tracking
System to track research support requests.
- Objective: CSCF request tracking via campus RT system
- S17 (RSG): integration of RT time tracking with existing tools
- W17 (RSG/TOP/INF): RT goes live (all new requests and updates in RT) on 1 May. (done)
- W17 (RSG/TOP/INF): fewer than 50 open requests per staff member by term's end, and none assigned to non-staff (progress)
- F16 (RSG/TOP/INF): RT replacement for ST system in test, with sample queues and staff dashboards (not done)
Strategic Planning
Review and long-term planning of CSCF services.
- S17 (INF/TOP/RSG) develop plan for home directory file services for linux.student.cs and linux.cs beyond end-of-life of current NetApp file server, including transition timeline
- S17 (INF/TOP/RSG) develop plan for printing services for SCS faculty, staff, grads – usage tracking not necessary
- W17: (INF/RSG) develop plan for SCS PostgreSQL servers (done)
- F16: (INF/TOP) develop printing support plan (not done)
- F16 (TOP) investigate and possible deploy/migrate on campus Slack alternative (done)
Manage CSCF spending on staff, equipment, and services.
- Objective: Produce annual equipment budget proposal for SCS.
- W17(INF/RSG/TOP): final FY17 budgets to SCS (done)
- F16 (INF): draft FY17 budget (not done)
- Objective: Timely and well-managed spending – avoid last minute spending.
- S17 (INF/TOP/RSG): complete S17 spending according to budget targets - RT#604822
- W17 (INF/TOP/RSG): complete FY16 equipment spending (done)
- W17 (TOP/INF/RSG): develop a process for managing staff budget (done)
- F16 (INF): At least 85% of CSCF budget spent by 31 December (not done, progress – about 70% spent through November)
- Objective: timely billing of researchers for research services
- S17 (RSG): establish FY17 RSG unit billing rate and distribute single annual bill for each support account
- W17 (RSG): combined F16/W17 bills distributed in Jan 2017 (done)
- F16 (RSG): F16 billing under new billing model by end of October (not done, progress)