OFIS Notes from 20 April, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Daniel: met with 2 profs, demo tomorrow with n more (3 < n < 6).
- Marlon: report on privilege system.
- ultimately: "privilege/group defaults" (PGD)
- for Daniel tomorrow: Daniel should add data to "person/group privileges" (PGP) as:
- person_id, group_id, priv_status
- running the batch scripts on import: process:
- add users to prod FM table based on _test.
- blow away _test FM table data;
- for all faculty now in prod, create _test table. Meaning: old users will have same IDs, new users IDs will change in dev from what they used to be.
- Daniel: reported on prof feedback relevant for devs (Beth not here).
- NSERC form 100: prof doesn't trust OFIS -> NSERC website will work. Would trust OFIS -> text dump, which is copied/pasted into NSERC website.
- Does employment history data / interface include "part-time", "60", "maternity leave"? the import from IHP will. Our UI will need additions for that. Beth was happy last week to hear about IHP info, because it will make form 100 additions easier. Leaves and Employment history.
- Noki: working on curl logging into ofis; problems with session variables. can't save cookie/session variables in PHP. But twill, in python, works fine. python/mysql connection to be installed.
- Marlon/co-ops: import batch processing without writing PHP each time. asking co-ops to look into mysql command-line import.
- Marlon: meeting with Derick Kirkland in IST. Faculties don't follow data reporting requirements; so they don't get good data. Teacher changes -> someone in dept makes change to QUEST ; and that process isn't happening. They would like someone from IST to sit on this committee. Used words like "governance".
- Marlon: adding staff members as delegates: danger of import importing duplicate IDs.
- live with danger;
- import all staff, requiring code changes... wait, Anthony has already done the code changes. Great. solved.
- UTF8: doing conversion on Thursday. Ray/Marlon
- Lai: Daniel inquired about show-awards-on-webpage. Feature is added. He had questions of sort-order, which Beth and Vu haven't clarified. Daniel's suggestions: show in reverse chronological order, and also add "-nnnn" if there is an end-year in the database.
- Lai was going from the code for displaying contributions, which currently displays in order that they were recorded in the database. Hm. 1) contributions should list in reverse (or ascending?) chronological order as well. 2) discovered that CS Research Book also lists awards/contributions in order they were recorded.
- Daniel will fix CS Research Book code; and will email Beth/Vu about decision for webpage.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: demos for profs: tomorrow.
- tell profs: changes will be erased; no, I can keep track of changes? check this today.
- Daniel will fix CS Research Book code for order of display; and will email Beth/Vu about decision for webpage.
- look up email to the list: bibtex-using prof, wants to test.
- still to ask:
- "2234 manuscript pages" - where does that come from? End-page isn't supposed to be a range, is it?
- logic for page-ranges: holes around "" or 0 for source, n for end
- Daniel: Awards: ask Beth about end-year visibility
-- DanielAllen - 20 Apr 2010