Enabling an Apache module in odyssey-3_apache

In order to enable Apache modules for our Apache environment, there are additions made on the webserver (such as www152.cs or www052.cs) and on the XHier master, capo.private.uwaterloo.ca.

After a typical ubuntu apt-get install, new modules are found in /etc/apache2/mods-available (files $MODULE.load and sometimes also $MODULE.conf). These files must be file-copied into /software/odyssey-3_apache/config/default/mods-available on capo.private and then xhier-distributed to the webserver (see below for details).

For testing purposes, these can be directly copied to the webserver directory /software/odyssey-3_apache/config/default/mods-available - however, if they aren't on capo.private and distributed down the chain to the webserver, they will automatically be deleted early Saturday morning.

Additional to config/default/mods-available there are two symbolic links which must be created on the webserver:

  • within /software/odyssey-3_apache/config/mods-available there are absolute symbolic links for each file to /software/odyssey-3_apache/config/default/mods-available.
  • within /software/odyssey-3_apache/config/mods-enabled there are relative symbolic links to ../mods-available.

xhier distribution to the webserver

Investigation shows that the xhier chain for odyssey-3_apache is:

  • capo.private.uwaterloo.ca ->
    • ubuntu1204-amd64.uwaterloo.ca ->
      • www152.cs.uwaterloo.ca

From www152 or another webserver, you can trace this upward using: xh-dist-hosts -F -p odyssey-3_apache as below:

root@www152:/# echo $PATH
root@www152:/# showpath u=m standard
root@www152:/# PATH=`showpath u=m standard`
root@www152:/# echo $PATH
root@www152:/# xh-dist-hosts -F -p odyssey-3_apache
shared ubuntu1204-amd64
structure ubuntu1204-amd64
arch ubuntu1204-amd64
admin cs-xh-admin.cs.private.uwaterloo.ca
fpa ubuntu1204-amd64
getwd ubuntu1204-amd64
man_pages ubuntu1204-amd64
ALL cs-xh-admin.cs.private.uwaterloo.ca ubuntu1204-amd64

root@www152:/# ssh drallen@ubuntu1204-amd64
drallen@ubuntu1204-amd64's password: 
Last login: Tue Jan  7 20:35:41 2014 from scsmac21.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-53-generic x86_64)

ubuntu1204-amd64:~> sudo -s
YubiKey for `drallen': 

ubuntu1204-amd64:~# xh-dist-hosts -F -p odyssey-3_apache
shared capo
structure capo
man_pages capo
different_arch capo
ALL capo

On capo if you're feeling brave you can run xh-dist-recurse odyssey-3_apache to get the package fully installed on all hosts.

It's probably better to run xh-dist2 ubuntu1204-amd64 odyssey-3_apache and then ssh to ubuntu1204-amd64 and run xh-dist2 www152.cs (although at the moment, xh-dist2 seems to not be available on ubuntu1204-amd64...)

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Topic revision: r4 - 2015-08-10 - IsaacMorland
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