Odyssey 3 Applications

Note: This section is what I am working on right now. Not everything described here is yet operational.

This is a UW-specific system for creating integrated web applications in a consistent framework. This means that the web applications are joined seamlessly with the non-application parts of the website. Here are the most important pieces of the system:

  • OdysseyApplications3Structure — Explanation of all the parts in an application and related conventions.
  • OdysseyApplications3Database — All of these applications store all of their information in a single PostgreSQL database odyssey_prod at appdb.cs:5433. Information is shared directly through database table access where appropriate and feasible.
  • OdysseyApplications3CLF — An implementation of the UW Web CLF, used by both normal web pages and web applications to generate headers, footers, and menus. This ensures consistency between pages and seamless integration of applications.
  • OdysseyApplications3Apache — An XHier package which carries the web server configuration and data files.
  • OdysseyApplications3Applications — The actual applications. This is intended to be an open-ended growing set.

See Also

-- IsaacMorland - 08 Oct 2008

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