Odyssey Exam Management System UI Updates
In Fall 2016, we've planned to review the user interface and make improvements. This is a loosely-defined project, with the Term Goal set as: "Objective: on-going feature enhancement. F16 (RSG): revamp EMS UI (supervised by Daniel)".
This project builds on work already done by Isaac, including a meeting with Fiona Dunbar and Karen Anderson in February 2016.
Below are summaries of improvements we plan to implement, sorted by user-interview source.
Fiona Dunbar and Karen Anderson
EMS-ui-update-notes-feb-2016.pdf: Isaac's notes from Feb 2016 meeting with Fiona Dunbar and Karen Anderson.
And see Crowdmark-Odyssey-workflow-Oct2016.pdf: Fiona Dunbar's instructions to faculty for using crowdmark and odyssey
Main Menu
Rename "Offerings" section to "My Course Offerings" [DONE]
Rename "Examination" section to "My Assessments" [DONE]
Remove sittings section [DONE]
Rename "Your Examination Schedule" link to "My Examination Schedule" [DONE]
Rename "Examinations" section to "Assessments" [DONE]
Create assessment form [DONE]
- Make create form an extra row in table
- Rename "examination" text for create form to "assessment"
- Remove default seating option; use
checkbox radio buttons to select whether or not assigned seating is in use for each examination; automatically default on assigned seating if already in use for course
Rename "Sections" to "Enrollments" [DONE]
Remove "Experimental" text from "Download Classlist" [DONE]
Create a new "Links" section [DONE]
- Move "Final Examination Conflict Times" to links section
- Move personnel and TAs section to new pages and put under links
Divide exam configuration [WORKING ON]
- Scheduling - start time, duration
- Seating - rooms, seats, whether to assign seats, allocation, reservation, loading standard
- Printing - permitted aids, master upload, versions, master approval, printing account, Crowdmark integration
Think about where to show primary sitting and first sequence
Caroline Kierstead
Notes are recorded in OdysseyEMSMeeting20160919. From those notes, we will extract improvements we plan to implement and copy them below.
- produce the Proctor Package pdf link under the Administrative Documents section (and alert if it is missing - perhaps figure out why it might not be generated).
- Permitted aids is not smooth - couldn't figure out how to add "candidates may bring no aid", had to clone previous term's
- Provide warning when sending an exam for printing but the latest version is unapproved
- Investigate issue where in one course (CS 343 W16) three students' photos printed on the exam were displayed poorly
- More TBA after discussing with Isaac.
Instructional Support Group (ISG)
Meeting 2016-09-26
Notes are recorded in
OdysseyEMSMeeting 2016 09 26. Some proposed UI improvements:
- A better name is needed for "rush" seating (I believe we're replacing that with "not assigned" - is this correct? Shall we find and replace it everywhere in the UI?
- Two or three of the ISCs asked if the time-entry fields and displays could allow 12-hour option, not just 24-hour.
- Integration: [ ] Use Crowdmark" option should be much more prominent on the page; it is a crucial option to make correct. (Is this already being worked on?)
- Master Versions page: "As much as possible have categories in a table with the left column the category and the right column the chosen or appropriate information and, if applicable, the ability (link or button) to change"
- On the Edit Permitted Aids page, why is there the long list of previous exams, if they all have the same Permitted Aids value ("Closed Book")? It would be sufficient to just show the most recent one.
- Plexing: If Crowdmark was chosen, should this default to double-sided?
- Reference sheet: could we require it be set/not-set, like the "Plexing" option? It has been overlooked in the past, by mistake.
- The "Approve PDF for production" definitely needs to be more prominent; many infrequent-users don't think to choose that last link on the page.
- CS100 distance ed: Barb consistently wants the proctor package, and has to ask Isaac for it specifically each term (Is this related to ST#107173)?
Some bigger pieces of work:
- Most 1st and 2nd year Courses, and some others, have TST slots in the schedule with dates and times- could we automatically generate those within the app, like we do final exams?
- "Add Room" is a big improvement to the interface- but "0 capacity" shows up- why?
- Can there be a way to distinguish labs from classrooms? Registrar's info does have that info.
- Filling rooms: Could users designate "this section should go into this room"? Or at least "this section in this building"?
Meeting 2016-11-14
OdysseyEMSMeeting 2016 11 14.
Meeting 2016-14-21
See OdysseyEMSMeeting 2016 11 21