Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2024-05-29


Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen


  • Anthony
  • Ed
  • Clayton
  • Nick
  • Guoxiang
  • Fraser
  • Devon

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.


Review last meeting's Action Items

  • Still blocked on comprehensive review of authentication/authorization configuration, work stalled

New DFSc Hardware

  • Has been racked
  • Network cards found and installed, cabling complete
  • Should be able to get them running this week -a2brenna

DFSc Performance

  • Snapshots blocked on cleanup of old homedirs
    • Work proceeding on cleanup here, Anthony will work with Guoxiang
    • Need direction on retention policy from school - after expiry or sponsorship? Should be added to documentation once it has been decided upon * No policy appears to exist for students, going with 175 days after end of last sponsored term * need to configure warning emails to students before account expires
  • Need to send message to users (login message (only applies to login shell), other?) when snapshots are re-enabled, links to appropriate end user documentation - Anthony
    • Will leverage MOTD to point to other more comprehensive documentation
    • Engage management on documentation location (Anthony)
      • Nick Lee maintains a useful page on about the general use TEACHING environment, collocating documentation there is an option.

Endpoint Protection

  • IST wants to deploy SentinelOne end point security agents on all devices
  • Planning test deployment to linux.student.cs (on a single node) in passive (watch and complain) mode for spring term,
    • IST controls the mode of the software and to provide CSCF with new token
      • Token acquired
      • Waiting on homedir backups to complete so we can get a clear picture of DFSc traffic caused by S1
  • What if anything is sent to third-party/off site servers? For privacy reasons, we need an answer before we do a roll out
  • Any docs on what the program does and how it does it?
    • Not really, possible answers in the Knowledge Base, may need to create an account with vendor to get access
      • IST FAQ instructive:
  • Need clarification from upper management about pushing Sentinel One to previously deployed devices (Devon)
    • So far approach seems to be to get it on all "new" devices going out
    • CSCF staff to install themselves - instructions can be found here: ???? and should be communicated to staff
    • Mac workstations to be deployed remotely - see announcement in TOP channel * Possibly looking into having a Self Service option for already deployed laptops to install SentinelOne (more of an opt-in option)
    • Windows workstations may need to be done "physically" by CSCF staff (optional)
    • Teaching labs are already done (Mac and Linux)

NFS Ganesha server issues (nfs-files.student.cs)

  • CCO event currently running in MC 3003 this week -
  • NFS Ganesha server keeps crashing during lab sessions for the event (due to specific operation or load issues)
  • Anthony is collecting crash dumps (at least 3-4 bugs noticed so far)
  • Server is recovering automatically, but can take up to 5 minutes for lab machines to recover (leaving them frozen until then)
  • Analysis of crashes is blocked due to lack of staff time
  • Looking into alternatives is also blocked due to lack of staff time
    • File locking is a concern with other options
  • New NFS Ganesha v5.9 released last week, need to check changelog and see if we can/should update (currently running v5.7?)
    • We still need to build a third server anyways, we might want to look into using the third server to test the latest release.

Future of RT

  • CSCF and MFCF to discuss - May 16
    • Did not happen
    • INF proceeding with work to take on RT (and only moving CSCF + MFCF data)
    • 0.2-0.25 FTE time commitment
    • Concerns with details
      • Does that mean CSCF is taking over the domain? (root might imply IST management)
      • What about RTs with currently active email chains?
      • Is this going to cause any confusion for clients, especially those with currently open requests?
      • What about emails to/from RT?
  • Upgrade of RT 4 --> RT 5
    • Customization done via plugin architecture, safe to upgrade


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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-05-29 - DevonMerner
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