Sponsors Data - Run sponsor_resources Before Making Changes

Run sponsor_resources before making changes


While it is not strictly necessary, it seems a very wise practice to run the sponsor_resources command before you begin to make any changes to the sponsors data.

You should ensure that sponsor_resources is running to completion (that is, not encountering a fatal error) and note whether there are any reported errors. This will help you later distinguish errors you might introduce from the output of this initial run.

If sponsor_resources is failing on fatal errors, and you cannot see how to fix them, you will need to track down someone who can.

Similarly, this precautionary preliminary run of sponsor_resources might help you detect the fact someone else is in the process of making changes at the same time.

The following page gives details of the sponsor_resources command.



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-- AdrianPepper - 2018-02-15

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Topic revision: r1 - 2018-02-15 - AdrianPepper
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