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CSCF Printing Working Group
To be determined.
Raison d'etre
In late April 2005, CSCF management developed a list of issues that need to be addressed for the proper support of printing for the School.
- page counting - this is something we need to be able to do. Even if we don't bill people, the usage stats are valuable.
- naming conventions - we need to get this straight.
- access control - do we need it? If so, where? How?
- direct printer access
- print server access
- what are the desired constraints ?
- class of support - do we adopt something similar to our model for supporting standard PCs?
- SCS printers
- group supported printers
- personal, unsupported, unmanaged printers
- protocols
- a mix of lpd, smb, xprint
- is ipp the answer? Do we keep the mix?
- configuration management
- printer
- tftp of configs (a la DHCP)
- servers
- clients (different OSes)
- Integration with Active Directory (or some LDAP thing in future)?
- physical maintenance
- who's responsible ?
- do we outsource this?
- do we stop buying printers in favour of Ricoh everywhere?
Graphic services now provides Xerox printers only, i.e., Ricohs have been deprecated.
There's talk of moving to a model where there are a set of printer/photocopier rooms located in key areas throughout DC where people can do all of their printing/photocopying from one (Ricoh) device nearby.
Initial examination of Ricoh's from a Unix perspective leads one to conclude that it may not work that well.
Other Notes