Initial Meeting for discussing CSCF/CS/Math Faculty contribution to the project

  • Daniel Allen, Dawn Keenan, and Peter van Beek attended the regular weekly OFIS meeting as guests.
  • It was planned that (at least) Daniel and Dawn would come back next week
  • The project contains campus-wide data from:
    • Office of Research
    • HR
    • Graduate Students Office (GSO)
  • Needs Quest data: teaching rosters. Currently processed semi-manually

A good project for professor buy-in: OCGS Approval Report. Automatically generated.

  • Profs have to do them every seven years. Last done 2 years ago in CS, but 14 units across campus are due in early fall 2009; probably including some Math.

To be discussed:

  • how CS reports are different from Eng. (Annual reports).
  • course-evaluation input (Paper, in math?)

Project possibilities:

  • auto CV import
  • NSERC interface (pre-pre-alpha: currently requires fill-in fields on NSERC site)
  • switching to a different output document format: currently Word RTF, which is fairly version-specific (and word RTF doesn't open properly in Open Office and vice-versa?)
  • building template more cleanly: currently using an existing RTF as template, not building document on the fly.

-- DanielAllen - 10 Mar 2009

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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-03-12 - DanielAllen
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