OFIS Notes from 10 March, 2010
Past Tasks
- Daniel worked on data cleanup
- Marlon: see below.
Today: small meeting.
- Daniel brought up whether common tables degree_code should include 'BS','BA' for non-canadian degrees. Marlon says the common table values were chosen by IAP standard codes. The question is probably best raised with Beth.
- Marlon has been working on IAP imports; his contact, Sam Schmidt in IAP has gotten him a data-feed sample. It can be a campus-wide extract. including: leave info, rank, and admit (to UW). Sample data is in import db, three tables with _pre suffix.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: research-book work, demos
- tell profs: changes will be erased.
- look up email to the list: bibtex-using prof, wants to test.
- "2234 manuscript pages" - where does that come from? End-page isn't supposed to be a range, is it?
- logic for page-ranges: holes around "" or 0 for source, n for end
- Awards: "Show on Web" for everyone; will need poking at how that select will work.
- Marlon: Vic DiCiccio ?
-- DanielAllen - 10 Mar 2010