Linux Working Group

Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2022-11-30


  • Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, O


  • Anthony, Clayton, Todd, Fraser, Nick, O, Nathan

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Review last meeting's Action Items

  • suexec-flex
    • Nathan to discuss with Lori and Issac to determine who should be rebuilding the package and redistributing the deb patch
      • Progress?
        • Dave's view of the long run, is that this work would be one of the responsibilities of the empty INF position. I just don't see current INF staffing being able to take this until later in Winter term (maybe as part of final Ubuntu 22.04 cleanup to go production).
      • Nathan gathering info from package authors and following up.
    • Need documentation for this project and some example test cases to motivate new developers.
    • Is there a .deb package at this point that is ready for distribution?
      • nfish is working on it
  • Ubuntu 22.04 availability
    • No 100G ring access yet for LXC instances, waiting on layer 1 equipment
    • Dave will help Anthony with layer 1 needs.
      • This is now done.
  • Separation of TEACHING and GENERAL VLANs: this is a CS legacy separation, do we believe IST's firewall config is sufficient to maintain this?
    • What exactly is the requirement here? Are we actually meeting the requirement at present? Have we ever?
    • The separation that is being questioned is at layer 2.
    • There appear to be serious security origins and implications of these decisions (e.g. a TEACHING user sniffing GENERAL network traffic and gaining unencrypted data; how much of a risk is this?)
    • The work required for this is non-trivial (time) and current design/maintenance activity proceeds without assuming any separation at layer 2. Is this OK ?
    • O needs to gather more info. Will start with managers. iang, pabuhr are faculty that may be good starts for a faculty sample for this.
    • fun:


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Topic revision: r2 - 2022-11-30 - OmNafees
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