See ST#57802 for details, but succinctly, to apply patches, use smpatch update. This will not automatically install all outstanding patches; some may require "special handling" (installation in single-user mode, generally).

Accounts need to be created by hand. We may eventually hook glen into PLG's LDAP server.

-- MikePatterson - 12 Jun 2007

To boot single-user mode, edit the GRUB menu and then change the second line (the one that mentions multi) and append -s to it. (Screenshots to follow later.)

-- MikePatterson - 18 Jun 2007

Home directories should go in /u, something like useradd -d -m /u/userid userid. /u is a link to /zpool1/u.

-- MikePatterson - 18 Sep 2008


++--- glen storage management

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