# Private Network iface=em3 subnet=192.168.1 1,c8:1f:66:dd:f0:cc,himrod 10,c8:1f:66:df:69:7c,himrod-storage 11,c8:1f:66:dd:d8:ee,himrod-big-1 12,c8:1f:66:dd:db:3b,himrod-big-2 13,c8:1f:66:dd:d7:62,himrod-big-3 14,c8:1f:66:dd:f1:44,himrod-big-4 101,c8:1f:66:dd:da:1a,himrod-1 ... <verbatim> * *make* processes */cscf-adm/src/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.common.himrod* * Creates these files automatically: * */etc/hosts* - defines local addresses for all *himrod* nodes * */etc/resolv.conf* using */cscf-adm/src/dnsmasq/resolv.template* * */etc/dnsmasq.hosts* - is an include file in */etc/dnsmasq.conf* * Note: */etc/dnsmasq.conf* ONLY includes *dnsmasq.hosts* - do not define anything else in dnsmasq.conf ---+++ Installation - assumes Initial Configuration has been done * Run */cscf-adm/src/install_packages* * This installs required packages need to run the make script. * Run: *make copy_scripts* * installs *[[https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/pub/CF/HimrodTools/common_functions][common_functions]], [[https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/pub/CF/HimrodTools/common_host][common_host]] and [[https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/pub/CF/HimrodTools/common_vars][common_vars]]* in: * Run *make all* * runs install scripts * *dnsmasq*, *samba*, *nfs* setup *sccf-adm* accounts * runs update scripts * download *pxe live images* etc * installs NAT firewall * *service firewall start* to start the firewall</verbatim> <nop>